









APQP Kick-Off Meeting APQP启动会议 The purpose of this meeting is to develop a common understanding concerning the total requirements of the part/material by assuring that proper communication and buy-in occurs between GM and the supplier. This form encompasses questions from the AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and GM APQP Manual GM-1927 manuals. Its intent is to ensure advanced product quality planning activities occur at the appropriate time and establish customer requirements for part qualification, part availability, quality, packaging, scheduling, and tooling information. Current revisions of all GM documents listed can be found in the GM Supply Power web site. 本次会议旨在建立双方在对零件、材料的所有要求方面的一致理解。下表包含了AIA G产品质量先期策划和通用APQP手册GM-1927的问题。其目的在于确保先期 质量策划活动按进度展开,并明确顾客关于零件认可,零件获取,质量,包装,计划和 工装方面的信息。GM相关文件的当前版本可在GM Supply Power网站上获得。 This document should be completed by the supplier and provided to the SQE prior to the meeting date. 本文件应在会议前由供应商填写完成并提交给SQE。 |DATE | | |PROJECT/PROGRAM | | |日期 | | |项目名称 | | | | | |SUPPLIER | | | | | |供应商 | | |PART NO | | | | | |零件号 | | | | | |MANUFACTURING | | |LOCATION | | |制造场所 | | | | | |PART | | |DESCRIPTION零 | | |件描述 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Section 1. Customer Requirements 第一部分 顾客要求 1. Does the supplier understand the applications and intended end use of the parts/materials for all customer?  供方是否理解所有顾客的零件 、材料的应用和最终用途? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 2. Does the supplier have the latest information about program timing (example: Drawing release, Prototype – series, Matching, Pilots/MVB, SOP)? Review Program Milestones with supplier 供方是否有关于项目进度的最新信息(如:图纸发放,系列样件,匹配,试生产,开始 正式生产)? 与供方评审项目节点。 | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | |Key Project Milestones |Dates |Key Project Milestones |Dates | |关键项目节点 |日期 |关键项目节点 |日期 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. Does the supplier have and understand the QS-9000 or TS16949 Manual, FMEA Manual,SPC Manual, Measurement Systems Analysis Manual, Quality System Analysis Manual, PPAP Manual and the Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Control Plan Manual? 供方是否有并理解QS-9000或TS16949,FMEA,SPC,MSA,QSA,PP AP,APQP和控制计划手册? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 4. Has the supplier provided all information listed in the Required Quality Information letter as outlined in the RFQ package? 供方是否提供RFQ文件包中的“要求的质量信息”清单中列出的所有信息? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 5. Does the supplier have and understand all the requirements listed in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements GM1927- 3供应商是否有并理解“供应商质量要求申明”(GM1927-3)中的各项要求? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 6. Are returnable containers required? 是否要求重复使用料箱? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 7. Are there any packaging issues to be resolved? 包装方面的问题是否已解决? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | | | | | | 8. Does supplier agree to provide product in clean dunnage/containers? 供方是否能用清洁的隔板、料箱放置产品? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | | | | | | | | | | | Section 2. Product Design / Development 第二部分 产品设计、开发 9. Does the supplier have ALL of the latest drawings and specifications (SOR, SSTS, CTS, STD)? 供应商是否有所有的最新图纸和技术规范(要求声明,分系统技术要求,零件技术要求 ,标准)? | Yes | No 否|Explain plans to| | |是 | |obtain: 说明获 | | | | |取计划: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10. Has an Analysis Development Validation (ADV) plan been provided if specified in the SOR? 如SOR中要求,是否提供了分析开发验证计划(ADV)? | Yes | No 否|Specify planned | | |是 | |date: | | | | |说明计划日期: | | 11. If communication link for math data exchange is needed have appropriate contacts been taken? 如果需要进行数模信息的交换,是否建立了相关的沟通渠道? | Yes | No 否|Explain| | |是 | |:理由:| | 12. If GM is design responsible, has a Design-FMEA review been done between supplier and the GM Engineer? 如果通用负责设计,供方是否和通用工程师一起进行了设计FMEA的评审? | Yes | No 否|Specify planned | | |是 | |date: | | | | |指定计划日期: | | 13. If Supplier is design responsible, has a Design-FMEA been done? Are actions in place to reduce high RPNs? Has a review with the GM engineer been completed? 如果供应商负责设计,是否进行了DFMEA?是否采取措施以降低高RPN?是否 与通用工程师一起进行了相关评审? | Yes | No 否|Specify planned | | |是 | |dates: | | | | |指定计划日期: | | 14. If supplier is responsible for system, has a system FMEA been completed and been reviewed? 如果供应商负责系统开发、生产,是否已完成系统FMEA 并进行了评审? | Yes | No 否|Specify planned | | |是 | |dates: | | | | |指定计划日期: | | 15. Has a design review been done by the supplier and reviewed with the GM product engineer? 供应商是否进行了设计评审并与通用产品工程师一起进行评审? | Yes | No 否|If No , | | |是 | |explain: | | | | |如为否,原因: | | If yes, has design review been approved by engineering and drawings/specifications revised as appr...

