16 陈伯江大校专栏计算机作战管理(doc)
16 陈伯江大校专栏计算机作战管理(doc)
15. Battle Management As aircraft became more reliable1 in the l960s and l970s, they also became more expensive. Fewer could be bought, so the Air Force had to get more out of each aircraft. Modern aircraft are more durable2 than their pilots, and squadrons3 have more pilots than planes, so a “ fresh” pilot can jump into the cockpit4 of a plane that has just landed from a mission and been quickly refueled and rearmed5. Missions became more complex, with “ strike packages6” comprising7 dozens of different aircrafts sent out after several targets at once. Management of all this activity became a major task in itself and this gave rise to demands for increased efficiency in Battle Management. After Vietnam, this problem was attacked8 from two directions, both using computers. Mission management (getting the pilot, and the aircrafts' increasing number of computers, all the information they needed) was accomplished by using yet another computer that allowed the pilots to simulate9 their mission, make all the mission--planning decisions, and then make a tape that would be read into the aircrafts' computers. The pilot then had a knowledgeable electronic copilot10 in the form of aircraft computers containing all the many bits11 of mission information. This technique has already gone through several generations since the l970s. The second solution was the ATO (Air Tasking Order). This technique took all the requests for air missions (mainly from other services, particularly the Army) and information on all aircraft available and calculated the most efficient mix of missions. The ATO was then transmitted to all aircraft units and the missions were flown. The ATO system has also gone through more than one generation since it came into use in the l980s. 计算机作战管理 在六七十年代,随着飞机性能的不断提高,造价也越来越昂贵。由于飞机采购数量 的减少,空军不得不向每架飞机要更大的效益。现代飞机使用时间比飞行员服役时间长 ,而飞行中队的飞行员的数量却比飞机的数量多。因此,执行任务后的飞机刚一着陆, 就得迅速加上油,补充上弹药,这样“新”飞行员才能立即进舱驾机。飞行任务变得越来 越复杂,各“突击编队”中常常包括数十架各型飞机,同时起飞跟踪多个目标。对这些活 动进行管理已成为管理本身的一项主要任务,由此产生了提高作战管理效率的要求。 越战结束后,这一问题从两方面得到了解决,解决的途径都是运用计算机。任务管 理(使飞行员和飞机上日益增加的计算机获得所需的一切信息)是由另一台计算机来完 成的。该计算机可使飞行员对其任务进行模拟,就所有任务(计划)做出决断,最后再做 成磁带装进机载计算机里供飞行员阅读。这样,飞行员就有了一个由机载计算机组成的 很在行的“电子副驾驶员”,里面存有大量有关任务的信息。自70年代以来,该技术经历 了几代的发展。提高作战管理效率的第二种办法是“空中任务指令”。这一方法是根据所 有空中任务申请(主要来自其他军种,特别是陆军)和现有飞机的情况对各种任务的最 佳搭配做出计算。然后,将空中任务指令发往所有飞行部队和正在执行任务的飞机。飞 行部队按空中任务指令执行飞行任务。空中任务指令系统自80年代投入使用以来也经过 了几代的发展。 1.reliable[ρι5λαιΕβλ]adj.可靠度高的 2.durable[5δφυΕρΕβλ]adj.耐用的 3.squadron[5σκωΧδρΕν]n.(空军的)中队 4.cockpit[5κΧκπιτ]n.(飞行员)座舱 5.rearm[5ρι:5Β:μ]vt.重整军备 6.package[5π“κιδ
16 陈伯江大校专栏计算机作战管理(doc)
15. Battle Management As aircraft became more reliable1 in the l960s and l970s, they also became more expensive. Fewer could be bought, so the Air Force had to get more out of each aircraft. Modern aircraft are more durable2 than their pilots, and squadrons3 have more pilots than planes, so a “ fresh” pilot can jump into the cockpit4 of a plane that has just landed from a mission and been quickly refueled and rearmed5. Missions became more complex, with “ strike packages6” comprising7 dozens of different aircrafts sent out after several targets at once. Management of all this activity became a major task in itself and this gave rise to demands for increased efficiency in Battle Management. After Vietnam, this problem was attacked8 from two directions, both using computers. Mission management (getting the pilot, and the aircrafts' increasing number of computers, all the information they needed) was accomplished by using yet another computer that allowed the pilots to simulate9 their mission, make all the mission--planning decisions, and then make a tape that would be read into the aircrafts' computers. The pilot then had a knowledgeable electronic copilot10 in the form of aircraft computers containing all the many bits11 of mission information. This technique has already gone through several generations since the l970s. The second solution was the ATO (Air Tasking Order). This technique took all the requests for air missions (mainly from other services, particularly the Army) and information on all aircraft available and calculated the most efficient mix of missions. The ATO was then transmitted to all aircraft units and the missions were flown. The ATO system has also gone through more than one generation since it came into use in the l980s. 计算机作战管理 在六七十年代,随着飞机性能的不断提高,造价也越来越昂贵。由于飞机采购数量 的减少,空军不得不向每架飞机要更大的效益。现代飞机使用时间比飞行员服役时间长 ,而飞行中队的飞行员的数量却比飞机的数量多。因此,执行任务后的飞机刚一着陆, 就得迅速加上油,补充上弹药,这样“新”飞行员才能立即进舱驾机。飞行任务变得越来 越复杂,各“突击编队”中常常包括数十架各型飞机,同时起飞跟踪多个目标。对这些活 动进行管理已成为管理本身的一项主要任务,由此产生了提高作战管理效率的要求。 越战结束后,这一问题从两方面得到了解决,解决的途径都是运用计算机。任务管 理(使飞行员和飞机上日益增加的计算机获得所需的一切信息)是由另一台计算机来完 成的。该计算机可使飞行员对其任务进行模拟,就所有任务(计划)做出决断,最后再做 成磁带装进机载计算机里供飞行员阅读。这样,飞行员就有了一个由机载计算机组成的 很在行的“电子副驾驶员”,里面存有大量有关任务的信息。自70年代以来,该技术经历 了几代的发展。提高作战管理效率的第二种办法是“空中任务指令”。这一方法是根据所 有空中任务申请(主要来自其他军种,特别是陆军)和现有飞机的情况对各种任务的最 佳搭配做出计算。然后,将空中任务指令发往所有飞行部队和正在执行任务的飞机。飞 行部队按空中任务指令执行飞行任务。空中任务指令系统自80年代投入使用以来也经过 了几代的发展。 1.reliable[ρι5λαιΕβλ]adj.可靠度高的 2.durable[5δφυΕρΕβλ]adj.耐用的 3.squadron[5σκωΧδρΕν]n.(空军的)中队 4.cockpit[5κΧκπιτ]n.(飞行员)座舱 5.rearm[5ρι:5Β:μ]vt.重整军备 6.package[5π“κιδ
16 陈伯江大校专栏计算机作战管理(doc)
- 1暗促-酒店玫瑰静悄悄地开 376
- 2终端陈列十五大原则 388
- 3专业广告运作模式 350
- 4****主营业务发展战略设计 381
- 5中小企业物流发展的对策 398
- 6主顾开拓 490
- 7主动推进的客户服务 347
- 8专业媒体策划与购买 378
- 9中远电视广告CF 423
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695