13 如何在工作中不断进取 敢作敢当(doc)
13 如何在工作中不断进取 敢作敢当(doc)
12 How to Take Initiative at Work:taking Responsibility for your actions In any business situation, there comes a time to bring to a close1 deliberations2, discussions, and analysis3, and to take action. If you're not officially cast in a management role of your organization, taking independent action can be a scary proposition4--after all, it would be much easier to wait for your boss to not only make the decision but to take responsibility for it as well. However, today's organizations cannot afford to employ workers who simply wait to be told what to do.If your business is to thrive5 in the coming years,it needs workers who are willing not only to take chances6 and to make decisions but also to take actions and responsibility for their actions. Fortunately, most managers welcome such initiative7, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy8, and authority in their jobs. We're all responsible for our own actions. This fundamental belief is the foundation for all individuals who take initiative and control of their lives. You can be a victim of your circumstances--complaining, feeling sorry for yourself 9,and believing that life is unfair--or you can rise above the negative elements of the current circumstances,be accountable10 for your action, and focus on what can be done to improve or cor rect the situation. Here are some tips for taking responsibility for your actions. Do what you say you'll do. Be a person of your word11. Complete tasks in timely fashion. Don't rely on others to remind you of your commitments, and don't wait to begin a task until it is due. Have a system for staying on top of your commitments, and take the steps necessary to assure successful completion. If you can't fulfill a commitment, tell others prior to12 the deadline, or seek help to meet13 your schedule. Finish what you agree to take on. Own up14 when you have made a mistake. If you blame another person, a system, or an event for something you did wrong, others will not trust you. Don't participate in the “ blame game,” even if coworkers play it. People will think more of you (and more quickly forgive you) if you are quick to claim a mistake you made and are eager15 to focus on a solution to the existing situation16. They will be suspicious of you and your intentions if you deny responsibility that turns out17 to be yours, and as a consequence18 may distrust what you say or avoid working with you. Don't make excuses for yourself or for others. Deliver19 what you promise and expect others to do the same. Always strive20 to do your best and expect the best from others. If there is a problem, find out why it occurred and use the facts to develop a solution. Be responsive when following up on problems----especially with customers. Don't accept low- uality work from yourself or others. Don't rationalize21. 如何在工作中不断进取:敢作敢当 在任何商务中,总会有这种时候:对商情进行仔细考虑、商讨、分析之后采取行动。 如果你在公司未正式担任管理职务,采取独立的行动可能会是一件可怕的事——毕竟等待 老板做决定并承担责任要容易得多。然而,今天的企业已经不愿雇用那些单等老板指令 行事的雇员。如果你的公司在未来的几年内要发展壮大,它需要雇员不仅愿意冒险、决 断,而且愿意采取行动,并为之承担责任。幸运的是,大多数经营者欢迎这样的进取精神 ,他们也越来越愿意让雇员在工作中更多地承担责任、当家作主。 我们都应为自己的行为负责。这一基本信念是所有不断进取、掌握自己命运的人的 立足之本。你可以是你所在环境的牺牲品——抱怨、自怜、认为生活是不公平的——但你也 可以在逆境中站起来,对自己的行动负责,竭力改变或扭转原来的不利局面。 以下是鼓励你能够敢作敢当的几点建议: 说到做到。做个言行一致的人。按时完成任务,不要依赖他人提醒你的承诺,也不 要等到期限已至才开始一项工作。履行承诺要有一套办法,并采取必要的步骤保证圆满 完成。如果你不能完成你的承诺,要在到期之前告诉他人,或请求帮助以按时完成。一 定要完成你所答应要做的事。 勇于承认错误。如果你做错了什么事而归咎于他人、某个制度、或某一事件,那么 别人就不会信任你了。不要玩“推诿的把戏”,尽管有的同事那样做。如果你及时承认你 所犯的错误并积极努力解决存在的问题,人们就会更加肯定你(也会更快地原谅你)。如 果你推卸本应是你该承担的责任,那你的同事就会怀疑你这个人以及你的动机,最终可 能不再相信你的话,或避免与你共事。 不要给自己或给他人找借口。履行承诺,同时也这样期望他人。总要全力以赴,同 时也这样期望他人。如果出了问题,那就要找出原因,并依据事实找出解决办法。在解 决问题期间要积极应对——特别是与客户。不许自己或他人做低质量工作。不要文过饰非 。 1.close[κλΕυσ]adj.严密的,仔细的,准确的 2.deliberation[δι7λιβΕ5ρειΦΕ ν]n.[常作~s]商议 3.analysis[Ε5ν“λισισ]n.分析 4.proposition[7πρΧπΕ5ζιΦΕν]n.[俚](要对付的)事 5.thrive[Ωραιπ]vi.兴旺,发达,繁荣,旺盛 6.takechances冒险,投机 7.initiative[ι5νιΦιΕτιπ]n.首创精神,进取心 8.autonomy[Χ:5τΧνΕμι]n.自主权,意志自由 9.feelsorryforoneself自己感到倒霉而愤愤不平 10.accountable[Ε5καυντΕβλ]adj.负有责任的 11.aperson(man)ofone’sword守信的人 12.priorto在…以前,先于 13.meet[μι:τ]vt.满足(需要等),达到(目标等) 14.ownup(to)坦白地承认,供认 15.eager[5ι:⊥Ε]adj.热切的,渴望的 16.theexistingsituation当前形势 17.turnout原来是,(最后)证明是 18.asaconsequence[5κΧνσικωΕνσ]因此,结果 19.deliver[δι5λιπΕ]vt.履行,实现 20.strive[στραιπ]vi.努力,力争,力求 21.rationalize[5ρ“ΦΕνΕλαιζ]vi.文过饰非
13 如何在工作中不断进取 敢作敢当(doc)
12 How to Take Initiative at Work:taking Responsibility for your actions In any business situation, there comes a time to bring to a close1 deliberations2, discussions, and analysis3, and to take action. If you're not officially cast in a management role of your organization, taking independent action can be a scary proposition4--after all, it would be much easier to wait for your boss to not only make the decision but to take responsibility for it as well. However, today's organizations cannot afford to employ workers who simply wait to be told what to do.If your business is to thrive5 in the coming years,it needs workers who are willing not only to take chances6 and to make decisions but also to take actions and responsibility for their actions. Fortunately, most managers welcome such initiative7, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy8, and authority in their jobs. We're all responsible for our own actions. This fundamental belief is the foundation for all individuals who take initiative and control of their lives. You can be a victim of your circumstances--complaining, feeling sorry for yourself 9,and believing that life is unfair--or you can rise above the negative elements of the current circumstances,be accountable10 for your action, and focus on what can be done to improve or cor rect the situation. Here are some tips for taking responsibility for your actions. Do what you say you'll do. Be a person of your word11. Complete tasks in timely fashion. Don't rely on others to remind you of your commitments, and don't wait to begin a task until it is due. Have a system for staying on top of your commitments, and take the steps necessary to assure successful completion. If you can't fulfill a commitment, tell others prior to12 the deadline, or seek help to meet13 your schedule. Finish what you agree to take on. Own up14 when you have made a mistake. If you blame another person, a system, or an event for something you did wrong, others will not trust you. Don't participate in the “ blame game,” even if coworkers play it. People will think more of you (and more quickly forgive you) if you are quick to claim a mistake you made and are eager15 to focus on a solution to the existing situation16. They will be suspicious of you and your intentions if you deny responsibility that turns out17 to be yours, and as a consequence18 may distrust what you say or avoid working with you. Don't make excuses for yourself or for others. Deliver19 what you promise and expect others to do the same. Always strive20 to do your best and expect the best from others. If there is a problem, find out why it occurred and use the facts to develop a solution. Be responsive when following up on problems----especially with customers. Don't accept low- uality work from yourself or others. Don't rationalize21. 如何在工作中不断进取:敢作敢当 在任何商务中,总会有这种时候:对商情进行仔细考虑、商讨、分析之后采取行动。 如果你在公司未正式担任管理职务,采取独立的行动可能会是一件可怕的事——毕竟等待 老板做决定并承担责任要容易得多。然而,今天的企业已经不愿雇用那些单等老板指令 行事的雇员。如果你的公司在未来的几年内要发展壮大,它需要雇员不仅愿意冒险、决 断,而且愿意采取行动,并为之承担责任。幸运的是,大多数经营者欢迎这样的进取精神 ,他们也越来越愿意让雇员在工作中更多地承担责任、当家作主。 我们都应为自己的行为负责。这一基本信念是所有不断进取、掌握自己命运的人的 立足之本。你可以是你所在环境的牺牲品——抱怨、自怜、认为生活是不公平的——但你也 可以在逆境中站起来,对自己的行动负责,竭力改变或扭转原来的不利局面。 以下是鼓励你能够敢作敢当的几点建议: 说到做到。做个言行一致的人。按时完成任务,不要依赖他人提醒你的承诺,也不 要等到期限已至才开始一项工作。履行承诺要有一套办法,并采取必要的步骤保证圆满 完成。如果你不能完成你的承诺,要在到期之前告诉他人,或请求帮助以按时完成。一 定要完成你所答应要做的事。 勇于承认错误。如果你做错了什么事而归咎于他人、某个制度、或某一事件,那么 别人就不会信任你了。不要玩“推诿的把戏”,尽管有的同事那样做。如果你及时承认你 所犯的错误并积极努力解决存在的问题,人们就会更加肯定你(也会更快地原谅你)。如 果你推卸本应是你该承担的责任,那你的同事就会怀疑你这个人以及你的动机,最终可 能不再相信你的话,或避免与你共事。 不要给自己或给他人找借口。履行承诺,同时也这样期望他人。总要全力以赴,同 时也这样期望他人。如果出了问题,那就要找出原因,并依据事实找出解决办法。在解 决问题期间要积极应对——特别是与客户。不许自己或他人做低质量工作。不要文过饰非 。 1.close[κλΕυσ]adj.严密的,仔细的,准确的 2.deliberation[δι7λιβΕ5ρειΦΕ ν]n.[常作~s]商议 3.analysis[Ε5ν“λισισ]n.分析 4.proposition[7πρΧπΕ5ζιΦΕν]n.[俚](要对付的)事 5.thrive[Ωραιπ]vi.兴旺,发达,繁荣,旺盛 6.takechances冒险,投机 7.initiative[ι5νιΦιΕτιπ]n.首创精神,进取心 8.autonomy[Χ:5τΧνΕμι]n.自主权,意志自由 9.feelsorryforoneself自己感到倒霉而愤愤不平 10.accountable[Ε5καυντΕβλ]adj.负有责任的 11.aperson(man)ofone’sword守信的人 12.priorto在…以前,先于 13.meet[μι:τ]vt.满足(需要等),达到(目标等) 14.ownup(to)坦白地承认,供认 15.eager[5ι:⊥Ε]adj.热切的,渴望的 16.theexistingsituation当前形势 17.turnout原来是,(最后)证明是 18.asaconsequence[5κΧνσικωΕνσ]因此,结果 19.deliver[δι5λιπΕ]vt.履行,实现 20.strive[στραιπ]vi.努力,力争,力求 21.rationalize[5ρ“ΦΕνΕλαιζ]vi.文过饰非
13 如何在工作中不断进取 敢作敢当(doc)
- 1暗促-酒店玫瑰静悄悄地开 379
- 2终端陈列十五大原则 389
- 3专业广告运作模式 350
- 4****主营业务发展战略设计 382
- 5中小企业物流发展的对策 399
- 6主顾开拓 490
- 7主动推进的客户服务 348
- 8专业媒体策划与购买 378
- 9中远电视广告CF 424
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695