Category Management Case Study
Based on ECR Taiwan
Category Management Pilot Project
Case Study Agenda
Objectives of the Case Study
Category Management Model
Work through the Cat Man Process, (Scorecard & Tactics)
Write a Category Plan
Objectives of the Case Study
Understand the Category Management Model.
Understand the linkage between the Steps in the Model by working through Cat Man Process.
Understand Practical Application of Category Management by Agreeing a Category Plan.
This Case Study
Is the International Process.
Is based on real SKU's and market, but Data detail is changed for confidentiality.
International Category Management Model
Handout Material - Pages 3 & 4
Category Definition
Category Role
(These are generally agreed by Supplier & Retailer management in advance.)
Category Definition & Structure
Case Study Focus - Fabrics Concentrate
Category Role?
Category Role
Category Role
Category Assessment
What is the current performance of the Category and Segments?
How does the performance compare to the Market?
What are the Opportunities for Improvement?
Category Assessment (Page 5)
Category Segment Assessment (Sales)
Category Segment Assessment (Profit)
Category Assessment (Retailer Performance in Market)
Category Assessment (Four Largest Segments)
Category Scorecard
What are the overall “Top Line” targets for the Category?
These must be discussed and agreed with the Senior Management.
Category Scorecard (Page 8)
Segment Scorecard (Page 9)
Category Strategies (Page 11)
Category Strategies (Page 11)
Assign Strategies to Segments. (Page 12)
Category Tactics.
Based on the Role, Scorecard and the Strategies, we now confirm the Tactics to use in each area;
Ranging Tactics
Pricing Tactics
Shelving Tactics
Promotion Tactics
Strategic Summary
Page 15 in the handout summarises what is agreed so far.
This is the Blueprint for managing the Category.
This is the reference for ALL actions and decisions as we work through the operational detail of the Plan.
Segment Ranging Review (Concentrates)
Page 16 details the SKU's available in the market, what is stocked in the Retailers channel, the Retailer, and his Competitors.
Note that Competitor 1 has 19 SKU’s.
Is this too broad?
How much of the market is covered by the existing 14 SKU's?
Segment Ranging Review (Concentrates)
Page 17 ranks the SKU's by sales share for comparison between the Retailer and the Market average.
Note that 15 SKU’s covers 95% of the market.
3 SKU’s, (9,11,&12) are not stocked.
The retailer' lowest 2 SKU's are poor performers in the market.
Ranging Recommendation
Segment Promotion Review (Frequency)
Page 18 details the Promotion Frequency,Type and Price Point for the Retailer and his Competitors.
Promotion Frequency
Segment Promotion Review (Price Point)
Promotion Review Impact
In most cases, Price Elasticity and On-Sale Mix are not well understood. The recommendation is ESTIMATE the impact, and MEASURE the Actual Result for input to the next review.
Segment Pricing Review
Page 20 details the current pricing for the Retailer, and his Competitors.
While the Retailer is competitive against Comp 1, (a high/low retailer), he is not competitive on shelf for the major components of the segment.
Shelf Placement Review
Programs such as “Spaceman” and “Apollo” assist greatly.
Key elements are
Balancing “Days of Supply” on shelf.
Using Minimum Facings Rules and Maximum DOS to recommend deletions.
Allocating any “spare” space to SKU's that support the Segment Strategy.
Balance the Plan
Each Tactical Decision has produced a change in Sales & Profit.
Add up the value of each change and compare with the original targets in the Scorecard section.
Adjust the plans.
Agree with Management that the result is acceptable.
Communicate the Objectives, Targets and Strategies to EVERYONE involved in implementation.
Set and AGREE implementation timing.
Do tests in-store for shelving changes.
Check, check, check that agreed actions happen!
After a reasonable period of time;
Check actual results against plan.
Analyze and understand variance to plan.
Start the process AGAIN by reworking the Category Assessment, and either confirming or revising the Category and Segment Targets.
Case Study Result
Category Management Case Study
Based on ECR Taiwan
Category Management Pilot Project
Case Study Agenda
Objectives of the Case Study
Category Management Model
Work through the Cat Man Process, (Scorecard & Tactics)
Write a Category Plan
Objectives of the Case Study
Understand the Category Management Model.
Understand the linkage between the Steps in the Model by working through Cat Man Process.
Understand Practical Application of Category Management by Agreeing a Category Plan.
This Case Study
Is the International Process.
Is based on real SKU's and market, but Data detail is changed for confidentiality.
International Category Management Model
Handout Material - Pages 3 & 4
Category Definition
Category Role
(These are generally agreed by Supplier & Retailer management in advance.)
Category Definition & Structure
Case Study Focus - Fabrics Concentrate
Category Role?
Category Role
Category Role
Category Assessment
What is the current performance of the Category and Segments?
How does the performance compare to the Market?
What are the Opportunities for Improvement?
Category Assessment (Page 5)
Category Segment Assessment (Sales)
Category Segment Assessment (Profit)
Category Assessment (Retailer Performance in Market)
Category Assessment (Four Largest Segments)
Category Scorecard
What are the overall “Top Line” targets for the Category?
These must be discussed and agreed with the Senior Management.
Category Scorecard (Page 8)
Segment Scorecard (Page 9)
Category Strategies (Page 11)
Category Strategies (Page 11)
Assign Strategies to Segments. (Page 12)
Category Tactics.
Based on the Role, Scorecard and the Strategies, we now confirm the Tactics to use in each area;
Ranging Tactics
Pricing Tactics
Shelving Tactics
Promotion Tactics
Strategic Summary
Page 15 in the handout summarises what is agreed so far.
This is the Blueprint for managing the Category.
This is the reference for ALL actions and decisions as we work through the operational detail of the Plan.
Segment Ranging Review (Concentrates)
Page 16 details the SKU's available in the market, what is stocked in the Retailers channel, the Retailer, and his Competitors.
Note that Competitor 1 has 19 SKU’s.
Is this too broad?
How much of the market is covered by the existing 14 SKU's?
Segment Ranging Review (Concentrates)
Page 17 ranks the SKU's by sales share for comparison between the Retailer and the Market average.
Note that 15 SKU’s covers 95% of the market.
3 SKU’s, (9,11,&12) are not stocked.
The retailer' lowest 2 SKU's are poor performers in the market.
Ranging Recommendation
Segment Promotion Review (Frequency)
Page 18 details the Promotion Frequency,Type and Price Point for the Retailer and his Competitors.
Promotion Frequency
Segment Promotion Review (Price Point)
Promotion Review Impact
In most cases, Price Elasticity and On-Sale Mix are not well understood. The recommendation is ESTIMATE the impact, and MEASURE the Actual Result for input to the next review.
Segment Pricing Review
Page 20 details the current pricing for the Retailer, and his Competitors.
While the Retailer is competitive against Comp 1, (a high/low retailer), he is not competitive on shelf for the major components of the segment.
Shelf Placement Review
Programs such as “Spaceman” and “Apollo” assist greatly.
Key elements are
Balancing “Days of Supply” on shelf.
Using Minimum Facings Rules and Maximum DOS to recommend deletions.
Allocating any “spare” space to SKU's that support the Segment Strategy.
Balance the Plan
Each Tactical Decision has produced a change in Sales & Profit.
Add up the value of each change and compare with the original targets in the Scorecard section.
Adjust the plans.
Agree with Management that the result is acceptable.
Communicate the Objectives, Targets and Strategies to EVERYONE involved in implementation.
Set and AGREE implementation timing.
Do tests in-store for shelving changes.
Check, check, check that agreed actions happen!
After a reasonable period of time;
Check actual results against plan.
Analyze and understand variance to plan.
Start the process AGAIN by reworking the Category Assessment, and either confirming or revising the Category and Segment Targets.
Case Study Result
- 1XX公司战略发展目标(xls 169
- 2“回佣”管理规定 353
- 3通信公司战略的制定方法(pp 231
- 4500强企业管理方法(ppt 608
- 5管理沟通172页(doc) 379
- 6农村基层人才现状的调查与思考 192
- 7企业内部控制应用指引—资产管 436
- 8新创企业的风险管理.ppt 246
- 9逐条点评《劳动合同法实施条例 179
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695