










Jack Welch’s vision
Be number 1 or 2 (Fix, sell or close)
Welch set the standard for each business to become
the #1 or #2 competitor in its industry

“A decade from now, I would like General Electric
to be perceived as a unique, high-spirited,
entrepreneurial enterprise . . . the most profitable,
highly diversified company on earth, with world
quality leadership in every one of its product lines”

Jack Welch’s vision
Be number 1 or 2 (Fix, sell or close)
Welch set the standard for each business to become
the #1 or #2 competitor in its industry

“A decade from now, I would like General Electric
to be perceived as a unique, high-spirited,
entrepreneurial enterprise . . . the most profitable,
highly diversified company on earth, with world
quality leadership in every one of its product lines”

Changing composition of businesses
Business Restructuring…. cont’d

Grooming a generation of leaders
Leaders of the future
The 4 Es
Energy - excited by ideas because of the opportunity brings

Energize - infecting everyone with the same enthusiasm for an idea

Edge - the ability to make tough decisions

Execute - the ability to turn vision into results

Globalization for Market expansion and diversification

GE E-Business Internet Strategies
GE E-Business Internet Strategies

Jack Welch’s vision
Be number 1 or 2 (Fix, sell or close)
Welch set the standard for each business to become
the #1 or #2 competitor in its industry

“A decade from now, I would like General Electric
to be perceived as a unique, high-spirited,
entrepreneurial enterprise . . . the most profitable,
highly diversified company on earth, with world
quality leadership in every one of its product lines”

Jack Welch’s vision
Be number 1 or 2 (Fix, sell or close)
Welch set the standard for each business to become
the #1 or #2 competitor in its industry

“A decade from now, I would like General Electric
to be perceived as a unique, high-spirited,
entrepreneurial enterprise . . . the most profitable,
highly diversified company on earth, with world
quality leadership in every one of its product lines”

Changing composition of businesses
Business Restructuring…. cont’d

Grooming a generation of leaders
Leaders of the future
The 4 Es
Energy - excited by ideas because of the opportunity brings

Energize - infecting everyone with the same enthusiasm for an idea

Edge - the ability to make tough decisions

Execute - the ability to turn vision into results

Globalization for Market expansion and diversification

GE E-Business Internet Strategies
GE E-Business Internet Strategies


