Corporate Leadership: Increasing the Leadership Bench Strength 提升领导力量
Emerson Corporate Overview 艾默生公司概况
Founded in 1890
Head-quartered in St Louis, Missouri, USA
Global product and market leadership
Record of consistent long-term performance
Global sales of US$13.8b in 2002
More than 110,000 employees worldwide
Over 60 industry-leading divisions located in
over 300 manufacturing locations in 150 countries 超过60家业界翘楚的子公司
“2003 Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies” Emerson named Global Top 50 'All Star'
Overall rank 全球排名 : #47
Industry rank 全球电子业排名: #3 global
9 rating categories 评选标准:
social responsibility 社会责任感
innovation 革新度
long-term investment value 长期投资价值
use of corporate assets 公司资产运用
employee talent 员工素质
financial soundness 财政状况
quality of management 管理质量
quality of products/services 产品和服务质量
global business acumen 全球商务敏锐度
Global Market and Technology Leadership 全球市场和技术领导者
Emerson China Overview 艾默生中国概况
Leadership Development is Strategically Imperative 领导能力的发展是公司必要的战略
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Pump in Talent 吸纳人才
Expand the MBA program to bring in steady stream of the best college and MBA graduates to prepare for the future growth 应持续稳定地从一流大学中招聘大学的毕业生或MBA﹐为未来的企业发展做准备
Hunt for talent continuously; not just recruit for vacant positions 应持续不断地寻求人才﹐而不是仅仅在有职位空缺时才进行招聘
Corporate MBA Development Program 总公司为新聘MBA 的发展项目
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Organization Review 组织测评
Assess Organization capability, identify potential leaders, and develop their competency levels to support the fast expansion and M&A programs in Asia.这项目评估公司组织的能力, 发掘有潜质领袖及发展他们之能力水平以配合分公司在亚洲地区之快速增长和合拼项目
Provide planned and systematic career management process to the high potentials. 为高潜质者提供有计划及有系统职业管理过程
Enhance the loyalty to the company and provide better employment opportunity to the employees. 加强员工对公司的忠诚及提供更佳之工作机会
Organization Review 组织测评
A half-day meeting with each division on human resources issues, organization development, high potentials list and their movement. 与分公司的半天会议,讨沦有关人力资源问题,组织发展,极具潜能员工和内部变动
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Emerson Leadership Competency 艾默生的领导职能
Think Strategically 有战略性思维
Analyze Issues 能分析问题
Drive for Results 努力争取成果
Provide Leadership 展示领导才干
Foster Teamwork 倡导团队合作精神
Build Relationships 建立良好的关系
Develop People 辅助他人成长
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Career Development 事业发展
No longer a fixed path in a structured career ladder 没有固定路径的事业发展阶梯
Career Development 事业发展
Across Functions跨职能
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Key Enablers for Leadership development 领导能力发展的重要元素
CEO's commitment in leadership development CEO对领导能力发展的承诺
Management teams embrace a talent mindset 管理层应具“重视人才发展”的理念
Establish an “Human Capital Appreciation Fund” to financially support the development initiatives 建立一个“人力资本增值基金”﹐从经济上支持人才发展计划
Share the talent pool across the divisions 各分公司间愿意分享人才
Systems are in place to segment A players, B players and C players 有系统划分各A、B、C不同级别的员工
Key Enablers for Leadership development 领导能力发展的重要元素
Management commits to serve as a Mentor, Faculty Member,and Sponsor in the delivery of the program 管理层致力参与此计划﹐并作为计划中的导师﹐教师和行动计划的支持者
Provide skill-stretching opportunities across divisions 提供有潜质员工跨分公司的发展机会,以提升他们的领导能力
Provide effective feedback to the talent pool 对优才们提供有效的反馈
Provide exposure to high potentials with the senior executives 让有潜质员工在高级管理层中显露长处
Corporate Leadership: Increasing the Leadership Bench Strength 提升领导力量
Emerson Corporate Overview 艾默生公司概况
Founded in 1890
Head-quartered in St Louis, Missouri, USA
Global product and market leadership
Record of consistent long-term performance
Global sales of US$13.8b in 2002
More than 110,000 employees worldwide
Over 60 industry-leading divisions located in
over 300 manufacturing locations in 150 countries 超过60家业界翘楚的子公司
“2003 Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies” Emerson named Global Top 50 'All Star'
Overall rank 全球排名 : #47
Industry rank 全球电子业排名: #3 global
9 rating categories 评选标准:
social responsibility 社会责任感
innovation 革新度
long-term investment value 长期投资价值
use of corporate assets 公司资产运用
employee talent 员工素质
financial soundness 财政状况
quality of management 管理质量
quality of products/services 产品和服务质量
global business acumen 全球商务敏锐度
Global Market and Technology Leadership 全球市场和技术领导者
Emerson China Overview 艾默生中国概况
Leadership Development is Strategically Imperative 领导能力的发展是公司必要的战略
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Pump in Talent 吸纳人才
Expand the MBA program to bring in steady stream of the best college and MBA graduates to prepare for the future growth 应持续稳定地从一流大学中招聘大学的毕业生或MBA﹐为未来的企业发展做准备
Hunt for talent continuously; not just recruit for vacant positions 应持续不断地寻求人才﹐而不是仅仅在有职位空缺时才进行招聘
Corporate MBA Development Program 总公司为新聘MBA 的发展项目
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Organization Review 组织测评
Assess Organization capability, identify potential leaders, and develop their competency levels to support the fast expansion and M&A programs in Asia.这项目评估公司组织的能力, 发掘有潜质领袖及发展他们之能力水平以配合分公司在亚洲地区之快速增长和合拼项目
Provide planned and systematic career management process to the high potentials. 为高潜质者提供有计划及有系统职业管理过程
Enhance the loyalty to the company and provide better employment opportunity to the employees. 加强员工对公司的忠诚及提供更佳之工作机会
Organization Review 组织测评
A half-day meeting with each division on human resources issues, organization development, high potentials list and their movement. 与分公司的半天会议,讨沦有关人力资源问题,组织发展,极具潜能员工和内部变动
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Emerson Leadership Competency 艾默生的领导职能
Think Strategically 有战略性思维
Analyze Issues 能分析问题
Drive for Results 努力争取成果
Provide Leadership 展示领导才干
Foster Teamwork 倡导团队合作精神
Build Relationships 建立良好的关系
Develop People 辅助他人成长
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Color-me-Green Chart 图表
Career Development 事业发展
No longer a fixed path in a structured career ladder 没有固定路径的事业发展阶梯
Career Development 事业发展
Across Functions跨职能
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Development & Mentoring 发展与指导
Building Emerson Leadership Platform 建立艾默生领导平台
Key Enablers for Leadership development 领导能力发展的重要元素
CEO's commitment in leadership development CEO对领导能力发展的承诺
Management teams embrace a talent mindset 管理层应具“重视人才发展”的理念
Establish an “Human Capital Appreciation Fund” to financially support the development initiatives 建立一个“人力资本增值基金”﹐从经济上支持人才发展计划
Share the talent pool across the divisions 各分公司间愿意分享人才
Systems are in place to segment A players, B players and C players 有系统划分各A、B、C不同级别的员工
Key Enablers for Leadership development 领导能力发展的重要元素
Management commits to serve as a Mentor, Faculty Member,and Sponsor in the delivery of the program 管理层致力参与此计划﹐并作为计划中的导师﹐教师和行动计划的支持者
Provide skill-stretching opportunities across divisions 提供有潜质员工跨分公司的发展机会,以提升他们的领导能力
Provide effective feedback to the talent pool 对优才们提供有效的反馈
Provide exposure to high potentials with the senior executives 让有潜质员工在高级管理层中显露长处
- 1XX公司战略发展目标(xls 169
- 2“回佣”管理规定 353
- 3通信公司战略的制定方法(pp 231
- 4500强企业管理方法(ppt 609
- 5管理沟通172页(doc) 380
- 6农村基层人才现状的调查与思考 193
- 7企业内部控制应用指引—资产管 436
- 8新创企业的风险管理.ppt 246
- 9逐条点评《劳动合同法实施条例 180
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695