working globally
working globally详细内容
working globally
Working Globally
1, Course Background
Many leading organizations have been operating internationally or globally for decades, some for over 100 years. Today, enabled by information and communication technology, global working is common. People are working in increasingly connected, interdependent and integrated teams and work streams around the world, irrespective of their organization structure.
Individuals in global working environments usually also experience the challenges of matrix and/or virtual working described elsewhere on this site. In addition they need to:
Develop and use global networks to get things done
Deliver both global and the local results
Balance scale and leverage with flexibility and agility
Work with or lead culturally diverse groups of colleagues
Work effectively across time zones
As we can see above, more connected and integrated organizations and global working practices are common. Integrated business functions, supply chains and global accounts cut across the traditional vertical silos of function, geography and business unit.
Whether you have a formal matrix structure or a more informal network organization, global working is becoming more horizontal, cross functional and cross business unit. Collaboration becomes more complex with additional challenges of working across time zones and national cultural differences.
This lecture will provide an illustration through case study of some of the dynamics that are implied by global working environment, and help students to overcome all barriers, and realize that not only language, accent, misunderstanding but also culture, empathy, and leadership were all issues that arose early on.
The 2-day program is highly interactive. Simulations, case studies, self-assessments and small group activities engage the participants in an accelerated learning experience.
2, Curriculum Design
Class form: lecture + case study + group discussion and Q&A
50% Theory and Concept study and understanding, 20% case study, 20% group discussion, 5% Q&A
All class in English.
3, Course Benefits and outcomes
1. Students will learn and understand Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, and can describe differences between at least two cultures and can offer explanations or historical contexts for those differences.
2. Students recognize the value and significance why the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to the organizational environment is crucial for managerial success.
3. Students can identify the main processes in a global organization’s environments, and describe the stakeholders that each presents to job done.
4. Students recognize global team issues and commit themselves to thoughtful, concrete responses growing out of their devotion.
5. Students will learn and master an appropriate way of the leadership and influence in a global team.
4, Audience
Senior Manager level and above
Project manager who work with global team
Others in MNC
5, Duration
Days(12 hrs)
6, Case Study
Business Review with Global team.
When is good time for a Global project.7, Course Contents
1 Types of organizations
Global Corporation
International companies
Transnational companies
CASE study: organization structure
Challenges – Inter-country Differences
A focus on Culture - Levels of Culture
Hofstede’s Dimension of Culture
Bridging corporate and local culture
Group Discussion: team culture or company culture
Working in A GLOBAL Team
Types of teams
Key Roles of Teams and know your stakeholders
Types of working processes and scenarios
1:1 and group meeting In same team
Cross teams in same function
Cross functions in same BU
Cross BUs
Group Discussion: who own the proposal?
Influence in a global team
4.1 Leadership and Influence
Problem-Solving Communication
Case study: Deal effectively with avoidance of “No”
5 Best way to work together effectively
5.1 Nature of Effective Team
5.2 Trust Building
5.3 9 techniques to work more effectively with Global Teammates
5.4 Group Discussion: Conflict management
6 wrap-up and take-away
6.1 Summary of 2-day study
6.2 Summary of Best Practices
6.3 Q&A
如何营造全员参与的持续改善创新文化 02.02
TWI培训 02.02
工业工程(IE)全面改善技法 02.02
金牌班组长 02.02
精益6S管理 02.02
精益TPM管理 02.02
精益生产实战 02.02
卓越领导力 06.10
管理者的九项修炼 06.10
价值销售value-based selling 06.10
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- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt) 20265
- 3行政专员岗位职责 19068
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16252
- 5员工守则 15479
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- 7问卷调查表(范例) 15132
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- 9文件签收单 14226