沟通与广告策略Communications and Advertising Strategy(ppt)










沟通与广告策略Communications and Advertising Strategy(ppt)
Chapter 10
Communications and Advertising Strategy

10.1 Communications沟通
 Sender
发送者 媒介(通路) 接收者
 Channels: 通路 、管道
™ Personal人员 : sale force 销售员
™ Nonpersonal非人员 (mass media大众媒体): TV, newspaper, radio, direct mail, billboards广告牌, magazine, internet,

10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Advertising广告
™ advantages优点:
 Message content control:control over what you can say to potential customers.可控制对潜在顾客所说的内容
 Very large reach:can reach a large number of customers efficiently 可有效传达至大量顾客
 Flexibility: images, symbols, and creative/ copy strategies. Many different kinds of images and symbol can be presented through a wide variety of media. 可经由多种媒体传送许多不同的影像、符号
™ Drawbacks缺点:
 Evaluating effectiveness is difficult:评估其效能有困难
 Often very expensive:经常花费很大
 Waste:经常浪费,因为不是直接针对特定顾客的最好沟通
 Noise:经常被忽略或干扰
 Clutter杂乱:顾客被广告疲劳轰炸,广告效果打折
10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Direct Marketing 直接营销
™ Direct marketing forms形式
 Telemarketing电话营销, direct-mail marketing直接邮件营销, direct sales直销, Internet网络营销.
™ Key advantages关键优点:
 Focus on target锁定目标,Customized messages客制讯息, little waste很少浪费, evaluation is easy评估容易。
™ Key drawbacks缺点:
 Consumer dislike消费者不喜欢, global restrictions全球限制, clutter, low response rates低响应率.
10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Sales Promotion促销
™ Provide extra incentives to consumers or sales force to achieve a short-term objective.对消费者或销售员提供额外的诱因以达成短期目标
™ Consumer-Oriented Techniques销费者导向技术:
 Coupons赠券, sweepstakes抽奖, rebates退费, samples赠送样本, and point-of-purchase savings累积点数
 Objective: stimulate short-term sales.目标:刺激短期销售
™ Trade-Oriented Techniques贸易导向技术:
 Sales contests销售比赛, training训练, and quantity discounts数量折扣
 Objective: obtain distribution获得经销商的支持.
™ 优点:产生可量测的短期销售反应
™ 缺点:着重价格,导致顾客变得价格敏感、只有交易忠诚
10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Publicity and Public Relations宣传与公共关系
™ Sponsoring organization normally does not pay for the communication.正常下沟通不由负责机构支付
™ Publicity typically takes the form of an article in a magazine/newspaper or TV news coverage宣传的一般形式为杂志/报纸的文章或电视画面.
™ Key advantage:
 More credible than advertising.比较有公信力
™ Key drawback:
 Sponsoring company has little control over placement or content赞助公司很难控制置入位置/时段或内容.

10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Personal Selling
™ The use of face-to-face communications between seller and buyer.买卖者之间使用面对面沟通
 Largest part of marketing budget for business-to-business marketers.企业间大部分营销使用此形式
™ Key advantages:
 Customized presentations客制简报
 Immediate feedback to questions.对问题立即回馈
™ Key drawbacks:
 Expensive费用太高
 Control over final message delivered by sales representative is difficult.很难控制销售代表最后的作法

10.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Packaging包装
™ Can communication messages about benefits, as well as image.可传递有关效益及形象的讯息
 Trade shows贸易展
™ Key business-to-business communication venue.企业间沟通的重要场所
 Events and Sponsorships事件活动与赞助
 Product Placement on TV Shows and in Movies (Branded Entertainment)电视节目级电影中置入产品(品牌娱乐)
 Product Demonstrations产品展示

Different task – different methods
 Classically advertising has dominated the picture through mass media. 传统上广告透过大众媒体主导形像。This is still the most effective way to create brand perceptions.广告仍是创造品牌认知最有效的方式。

 When brands are built, other methods are more important e.g. sales promotion当品牌建立后,其它方法就比较重要了,如促销。
Advertising management广告管理
 Target audience目标对象
 Goal setting目标设定
 Message strategy讯息策略
 Media planning媒体规划
 Budgeting预算制定
 Measurement量测成效
Select the target audience
 Customers
 Noncustomers: potential investors, regulators, channel members, employees, others.
Setting Advertising Goals
 To place sales goals on advertising is inappropriate
 Intermediate objectives: customer response
™ Become aware
™ Develop attitude, preference, interest
™ Visit retailer, return reply card
Advertising Management
 Developing the Message Strategy
™ Informational / Rational Appeals信息/理性吸引
 Focus on functional or practical aspects of the product强调功能或实际面.
 May feature a unique selling proposition也许描述独特的销售主张.
 Several general types:
™ Feature/benefit appeals特征/效益吸引
™ Competitive advantage appeals竞争优势吸引
™ Favorable price appeals价格吸引
™ News appeals新主导
™ Product or service popularity appeals受欢迎
™ Product attributes.产品属性
Advertising Management
 Emotional Appeals
™ Attempt to appeal to an underlying psychological aspect of the purchase decision.
™ Several general types:
 Humor幽默
 Dramatization戏剧
 Fantasy幻想
 Personality symbols个性符号
 Slice of life生命部分
 Animation动画
 Testimonials证明书
 Fear恐惧
 Guilt罪恶
 Sex性
™ Emotional appeals may enhance recall and brand liking.

Emotional vs. Rational
 These ads demonstrate rational versus emotional message appeals. At the time of the initial ad campaign for the new Infiniti automobiles, the ads for rival Lexus (top) emphasized design and engineering, while the ads for Infiniti (bottom) did not even show the car.
Humor Appeals
 This ad relies upon humor to communicate the message that skiers and snowboarders should wear helmets.
Copy testing
Evaluating Message Copy
 Laboratory Test实验室测试
™ Consumer jury消费者小组
™ Portfolio test组合测试
™ Readability tests可读性测试
™ Physiological methods物理学方法
 Pupil dilation瞳孔放大
 GSR/EDR(流电/电极反应)
 Eye Tracking(眼睛追踪)
Evaluating Message Copy
 Real-world Measures真实世界量测
™ Dummy advertising vehicles假的广告载具
™ Inquiry tests询问测试
™ On-the-air/recall tests播放/回忆测试
™ Recognition tests认识测试
™ Sales/minimarket tests销售/迷你市场测试
Selecting media
 Traditional media and New media
 Traditional media
™ TV
™ Magazines and newspapers(print)
™ Radio
™ Cable TV
™ Outdoor
 New Media
™ The web
™ Branded Entertainment
™ Influencing Word-of-Mouth
™ Cell phones, video games, online games, blogs,

Advertising Management
 Media Category Strengths & Weaknesses
™ Television
 Reaches large numbers of people quickly
 Best medium for action and image advertising
 Enormously costly非常昂贵
 Difficult to target narrow markets effectively
 Not a strong choice for informational copy
 Technology can be used to zap 快速移动or delete ads
™ Cable Television
 Inexpensive
 Can be targeted to more specific audiences
 Offers the creative flexibility of television
 Reach via certain channels can be low
Advertising Management
 Media Category Strengths & Weaknesses
™ Magazines and Newspapers
 Print is better for complicated messages
 Longer message life; pass-along readership
 Magazines are better than newspapers for color reproduction and for targeting more specific targets
™ Radio
 Very inexpensive
 Ads can be developed and aired quickly
 Excellent for targeting specific audiences
 Creative flexibility
 Clutter and lack of demonstration are disadvantages

Advertising Management
 Media Category Strengths & Weaknesses
™ Outdoor
 Strong reminder medium; good for image advertising
 Short message exposure time limits content
 Legal regulations on location, size, and usage exist
™ The Web
 Banner 大标题ad click-through rates are low (less than 1%)
 Banner ads impact awareness, attitudes, and brand equity positively
 Pop-up ads achieve strong reach, but are annoying to consumers
 The web offers interactivity that no other medium can match

Advertising Management
 Choosing Specific Media Vehicles
™ Analyzing Media
 Cost per thousand (CPM)
 Gross rating points (GRPs)
 Ratings and circulation data
 Vehicle ratings by product usage
 Regional differentiation
™ Contextual Fit
 Media fit
 Program and ad context
™ Duplication and Wearout
 Duplication (frequency) is useful
 Wearout occurs when customers tire of ad

Budgeting for advertising
 There are different methods used to budget:
™ percentage of sales,
™ competitive parity,
™ objective and task,
™ affordability
 The most often used method:
™ objective and task
 Overall: try to justify strategic spending and communicate to company management

沟通与广告策略Communications and Advertising Strategy(ppt)


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