China Challenge Building a profitable leadership position(ppt)










China Challenge Building a profitable leadership position(ppt)
China Challenge Building a profitable leadership position

21 Super Vita Product Description
21 Super Vita Historical Sales, Advertising and Promotion Expenses & Product Contribution
1998 to 2003
Aggr. sales value: 950 mil
Aggr. A&P exp.: 184 mil
Aggr. product contr. : 510 mil
Average ROI Ratio: 2.77
21 Super Vita was a generic name before 2000, there were 5 manufacturers promoted 21 Super Vita at that time
21 Super Vita was invented by Min Sheng in 1982

Before 2000, 21 Super Vita was treated as a generic name for all multi-vitamin products with the same ingredients. There were 4 other companies using different trademark to market 21 Super Vita

In 1987, Min Sheng registered 21 Super Vita as a trademark. After that, 21 Super Vita was both a generic name and a trademark

In 2000, SFDA decided to change the generic name from 21 Super Vita to multi-vita (21), and Min Sheng got the right to use 21 Super Vita as brand name and trademark

Min Sheng was very cautious to promote their 21 Super Vita before 2000, because they were afraid that they were growing the market for others
21 Super Vita sales takes off after getting exclusive right for both trade mark and Brand name by winning a lawsuit in 2001
ROI of marketing investment
The target market of 21 Super Vita shifted from the initial hospital segment to retail pharmacies, and from local market to nationwide market

Before heavy TVC campaign, 21 Super Vita positioning focused on basic functions of vitamins and minerals to health
Started with heavy TVC campaign, 21 Super Vita positioning changes to understandable language and direct benefits to communicate with consumers

China Challenge Building a profitable leadership position(ppt)


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