









360 degree appraisals----------360 degree appraisal system is to obtain performance evaluations on individual employees from multiple perspectives or sources.
Typically,ratings are gathered from supervisors,peers,and subordinates
Or some combination of these source.
2)Absenteeism-----------absenteeism is the failure to report for
scheduled work.
3)Appraisal feedback---------appraisal feedback is the information an employee receives concerning the way his or her performance has been evaluated by a rater or group of rates.
4)Arbitration-------- arbitration can be broadly defined as a dispute
resolution process in which two parties volunta-
rily agree to accept an impartial arbitrator’s
final and binding decision on the merits of the
parties dispute.
5)Assessment centers------- assessment centers represent a structured and comprehensive approach to the measurem-
ent of individual differences regarding
knowledge,skills,abilities,and other dis-
positons that have been found to be revelant
to the workenvironment.
6)Attitude surveys----------organizations often apprise employee’s
reactions to various aspects of their job
at regular intervals using attitude surveys. When the object being assessed is one facet
of the job(e.g.work,pay,supervision) or the job itself,the attitude is normally referred to as satisfaction.
7)Background checking----------background checking gathers information from people familiar with an applicant
in previous situations.
8)Benefits administration-------benefits administration consists of developing and integrating the compon-
ents of the benefits package and then managing the various programs as a un-
ified sustem.
9)Bona fide occupational qualification------employers may discriminate on the basis of religion,
age,national,origin,or sex if one of these chara-
cterristics is a bona fide
occupational qualificat-
ion for the position.
10)Bonuses---------bonuses are cash payments for employees who achieve
a goal or level of performance that is desired by management.

11)Business process reengineering------- the fundamental rethinking and
radical redesign of business
processes to bring about dram-
atic improvement in perform-
12)Business processes------ a process is the transformation of inputs
into outputs through some sequencing of
13)Career------- career refers to series of occupations and jobs which
individuals hold over their work lives.
14)Career anchors------ career anchors are the self-perceived sources of stability in the individual’s internal career.
15)8 kinds of career anchors
(1) Technical or functional competence: the person defines him or herself by competence in a certain craft and continues to look for
ever more challenge in that area of competence.
(2) Managerial competence: the person defines him or herself by the
ability to manage others and measures progress by climbing to ever
higher positions of responsibility in organizations.
(3) Security or stability: the person defines himself or herself by
having achieved a position of career success and stability that
allows him or her to relax and to have a feeling of having made it.
(4) Autonomy or independence: people define themselves by being free
and on their own in what they do in their career.
(5) Entrepreneurial creativity: people define themselves by their ability to create their own enterprise.
(6) Service or dedication to a cause: people define themselves by their commitment to some deep value that the occupation permits them to
(7) Pure challenge: people define themselves less by the type of work they do and more by the sheer joy of competing or winning out over impossible obstacles.
(8) Lifestyle: people define themselves by the ability to integrate the demands of work, family, and self-oriental growth in concerns.
16)Career pathing-------- career pathing(cp) is a basic planning tool linked to career planning and career development. The essence of cp is a coherent
series of steps to achieve a particular job
or career objective.
17)Commission-based pay------- a commission is incentive pay based on a average of the selling price of partially or totally on commission.

18)Contract administration----- contract administration is defined as the process by which terms and conditions of employment contained in
collective bargaining agreements between unionized workers and management are enforced.

19)Critical incident technique------ the critical incidents technique(CIT) was developed by Flanagan for assembling lists of behaviors that are critical to effective job performance.

20)Cross-training------- cross-training refers to teaching employees
the knowledge,skills and abilities necessary
to successfully perform the work duties of
other members of their workgroup.
Cross-training refers to the instruction of
Employee in knowledge, skills and abilities.

21)Employee assistance programs---- an employee assistance programs
(EAP) is an



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