离职谈话记录表 Dismissal Interview 员工姓名 谈话日期 Employee: Date: ________________ 人力资源部代表 HR Dep. representative: __________________ 1、为什么会申请离职 Why are you leaving? 2、薪资问题是否是你这次离职申请的主要原因 Was salary an issue? 3、你认为公司提供给你现在的职位合理吗 Do you feel you were fairly compensated for the position you held? 4、你喜欢你的工作吗 Did you like/enjoy your job? 5、 你现在所从事的工作是否是所你希望的,如果不是,二者区别在哪里 Was your job what you expected it to be? If not, what is the difference? 6、 你认为你现在得到的职位与你的能力相当吗,如果不是,请给出具体原因 Do you feel you were placed in a position compatible with your skills? If not, explain the reason please. 7、 你认为怎样可以改善你现在的工作, 如果不能改善, 困难在哪里 Do you feel that there was the possibility for advancement in your position? If not, what is the difficulty? 8、 你认为应该被给予更多的培训吗 Do you think you should have been offered more training/development within the position you held? 9、 对于这个工作你面邻的最大挑战是什么 What was the greatest challenge you faced in your position? 10、 你的工作中,你最喜欢的工作职能是什么, 为什么喜欢 What function(s) of your position did you enjoy the most? Why? 11、你的工作中,你最不喜欢的工作职能是什么, 为什么不喜欢 What function(s) of your position did you enjoy the least? Why? 12、你在工作岗位上工作有安全感吗,如果不,为什么 Did you feel a sense of security in your position? If not, why? 13、 你所在部门的士气如何 How did you find the morale within your department? 14、 你的部门为提高士气做过什么呢 Was there anything the company could have done to improve morale? 15、 你的主管对你的工作是如何期望的 What was your supervisor like to work for? 16、 你觉得工作环境适宜你工作吗 (比如工作时间、工作位置等) Were the working conditions suitable? (for example hours, work area, etc.) 17、 你对公司福利满意吗 Was the benefits package satisfactory to you? 18、公司的相关政策与程序能让你充分了解吗,如果不是,为什么 Did you feel you were well informed regarding the company’s policies and procedures? If not, why? 19、 是否存在某些公司可以做到的事情,促使你改变今天的离职决定 Is there anything we could have done differently that may have affected your decision to leave? 20、 你愿意重新考虑离职决定吗 Would you re-consider employment with this company? 21、其他问题 Additional comments.
离职谈话记录表 Dismissal Interview 员工姓名 谈话日期 Employee: Date: ________________ 人力资源部代表 HR Dep. representative: __________________ 1、为什么会申请离职 Why are you leaving? 2、薪资问题是否是你这次离职申请的主要原因 Was salary an issue? 3、你认为公司提供给你现在的职位合理吗 Do you feel you were fairly compensated for the position you held? 4、你喜欢你的工作吗 Did you like/enjoy your job? 5、 你现在所从事的工作是否是所你希望的,如果不是,二者区别在哪里 Was your job what you expected it to be? If not, what is the difference? 6、 你认为你现在得到的职位与你的能力相当吗,如果不是,请给出具体原因 Do you feel you were placed in a position compatible with your skills? If not, explain the reason please. 7、 你认为怎样可以改善你现在的工作, 如果不能改善, 困难在哪里 Do you feel that there was the possibility for advancement in your position? If not, what is the difficulty? 8、 你认为应该被给予更多的培训吗 Do you think you should have been offered more training/development within the position you held? 9、 对于这个工作你面邻的最大挑战是什么 What was the greatest challenge you faced in your position? 10、 你的工作中,你最喜欢的工作职能是什么, 为什么喜欢 What function(s) of your position did you enjoy the most? Why? 11、你的工作中,你最不喜欢的工作职能是什么, 为什么不喜欢 What function(s) of your position did you enjoy the least? Why? 12、你在工作岗位上工作有安全感吗,如果不,为什么 Did you feel a sense of security in your position? If not, why? 13、 你所在部门的士气如何 How did you find the morale within your department? 14、 你的部门为提高士气做过什么呢 Was there anything the company could have done to improve morale? 15、 你的主管对你的工作是如何期望的 What was your supervisor like to work for? 16、 你觉得工作环境适宜你工作吗 (比如工作时间、工作位置等) Were the working conditions suitable? (for example hours, work area, etc.) 17、 你对公司福利满意吗 Was the benefits package satisfactory to you? 18、公司的相关政策与程序能让你充分了解吗,如果不是,为什么 Did you feel you were well informed regarding the company’s policies and procedures? If not, why? 19、 是否存在某些公司可以做到的事情,促使你改变今天的离职决定 Is there anything we could have done differently that may have affected your decision to leave? 20、 你愿意重新考虑离职决定吗 Would you re-consider employment with this company? 21、其他问题 Additional comments.
- 1查房评分表 931
- 2请购单 416
- 3加班申请单 259
- 4加班管理制度 208
- 5加班费申请单 433
- 6员工入职登记表 6256
- 7机器润滑检查记录表 433
- 8公司年度人员需求计划表(do 829
- 9分公司费用表(xls) 361
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695