Form-120 学员平时考核表(doc)
Form-120 学员平时考核表(doc)
|Delegate’s name |Delegate’s signature |Course No. | |Company name |Quality assurance |Years |Team | | |experience | | | |Company business |Quality system audit |Years | | | |experience | | | |Course dates |Date, |Date, |Date, |Date, |Date, | | | |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 | | |Interpreting the requirements of|PR-01 |WO-04 |WO-09 | | | | |ISO 9001 in the context of an |WO-01 | |WO-10 | | | | |audit |WO-02 | | | | | | |(IRCA/2245 2.1.3). |WO-03 | | | | | | |Personal attributes: manner, | | | | | | | |attitude and suitability as an | | | | | | | |auditor. | | | | | | | |(IRCA/2000 2.6.2c, d). | | | | | | | |Attendance, punctuality and | | | | | | | |participation. | | | | | | | |(IRCA/2000 2.6.2e). | | | | | | | |Pass/Fail |First instructor (Print |Second Instructor (Print | | |Name) |Name) | | |First instructor |Second Instructor | |(Delete as |(Signature) |(Signature) | |applicable) | | | Performance in each area of competence is scored from 1 - 10 (1 - 2 = well below standard, 3 - 4 = below standard, 5 - 6 = acceptable standard, 7 - 8 = above standard and 9 - 10 = well above standard). The instructor notes give guidance on scoring for each workshop. To pass the course, delegates must average at least 6 for each competence. Delegates are not assessed on every competence area every day. Greyed areas show days when continuous assessment for particular learning objectives is not timetabled. Workshops shown in bold type have greater important in measuring competence and therefore should have a proportionally greater impact in measuring the weighted average. Similarly more emphasis should be place on workshops during the latter part of the course since this reflects the learning curve. |Guidance or counselling | |Record of improved performance | |Reasons for a fail course decision | ----------------------- All lectures and workshops All lectures and workshops
Form-120 学员平时考核表(doc)
|Delegate’s name |Delegate’s signature |Course No. | |Company name |Quality assurance |Years |Team | | |experience | | | |Company business |Quality system audit |Years | | | |experience | | | |Course dates |Date, |Date, |Date, |Date, |Date, | | | |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 | | |Interpreting the requirements of|PR-01 |WO-04 |WO-09 | | | | |ISO 9001 in the context of an |WO-01 | |WO-10 | | | | |audit |WO-02 | | | | | | |(IRCA/2245 2.1.3). |WO-03 | | | | | | |Personal attributes: manner, | | | | | | | |attitude and suitability as an | | | | | | | |auditor. | | | | | | | |(IRCA/2000 2.6.2c, d). | | | | | | | |Attendance, punctuality and | | | | | | | |participation. | | | | | | | |(IRCA/2000 2.6.2e). | | | | | | | |Pass/Fail |First instructor (Print |Second Instructor (Print | | |Name) |Name) | | |First instructor |Second Instructor | |(Delete as |(Signature) |(Signature) | |applicable) | | | Performance in each area of competence is scored from 1 - 10 (1 - 2 = well below standard, 3 - 4 = below standard, 5 - 6 = acceptable standard, 7 - 8 = above standard and 9 - 10 = well above standard). The instructor notes give guidance on scoring for each workshop. To pass the course, delegates must average at least 6 for each competence. Delegates are not assessed on every competence area every day. Greyed areas show days when continuous assessment for particular learning objectives is not timetabled. Workshops shown in bold type have greater important in measuring competence and therefore should have a proportionally greater impact in measuring the weighted average. Similarly more emphasis should be place on workshops during the latter part of the course since this reflects the learning curve. |Guidance or counselling | |Record of improved performance | |Reasons for a fail course decision | ----------------------- All lectures and workshops All lectures and workshops
Form-120 学员平时考核表(doc)
- 1管理人员年度绩效考评表 158
- 2项目生产要素管理-设备星级考 113
- 3财务管理考核标准表 131
- 4某工程有限公司应知应会考核汇 92
- 5综合计划部门经济责任制考核表 126
- 6绩效计划/考核表 174
- 7095 考核情况评分表(do 212
- 82003年度xx投资集团员工 216
- 920项目管理检查考核评分表( 216
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695