|课程代码 |171006 |
|课程名称 |广告学原理 |
|英文名称 |Principles of advertising |
|课程类别 |学科基础课 |
|课程性质 |选修 |
|学时 |总学时:32上机学时:0实验学时:0实践学时:0 |
|学分 |2 |
|开课学期 |第二学期 |
|开课单位 |新闻与传播学院 |
|适用专业 |传播学、新闻学、广告学 |
|授课语言 |中文授课 |
|先修课程 |传播学原理 |
|毕业要求(专业|本课程对学生达到如下毕业要求有如下贡献: |
|培养能力) |1、扎实的专业基础:以品牌传播理论为核心,培养学生系统地掌|
| |握专业基本原理、方法和手段等。 |
| |2、良好的专业技能:培养学生具备基本的从业基础技能。 |
| |3、知识的运用与融通:培养学生能把理论知识与实践结合,在实|
| |践运用中消化与提升知识的理解。 |
| |4、创新精神与创业能力并具:广告是应用性学科,创新是广告的|
| |灵魂。培养学生专业能力的原创性与独立精神。 |
| |5、全球视野:宏观的战略眼光和国际视野,与国际行业标准的接|
| |轨。 |
|课程培养学生的|完成课程后,学生将具备以下能力: |
|) |决问题的基本能力。[1、2] |
| |(2)掌握广告运作和广告策划创意的基本知识,学生具有策划创|
| |意的初步能力。[1、3、4] |
| |(3)掌握广告策划创意的基本方法,并具有初步撰写广告策划方|
| |案的能力,培养学生的实践能力。[3、5] |
|课程简介 |本课程的特点是:1、讲述内容广博,使学生对广告有个大概的全|
| |貌性理解,在以后的专业课程中还会针对各个方面(如广告策划 |
| |、广告文案写作、广告媒体研究、广告效果评估、广告设计、广 |
| |告管理等)进行细致的讲解与分析。因此需要大量的信息知识以 |
| |补充课程内容。2、 广告是一门与时代结合紧密的学科,要求时 |
| |时处处以现实生活、现实案例为参考进行讲解,所以要求讲述内 |
| |容时时更新,以满足课程要求及学生要求。3、广告学是一门非常|
| |实用的科学,要求有极强的动手能力,所以在教学过程中要求让 |
| |学生一方面学习专业制作方面的知识,另一方面要求学生亲自动 |
| |手去深入市场,进行现实的或模拟的广告运作,以便更好地学以 |
| |致用。 |
|教学内容与学时|(一)广告概述 学时:4 |
|分配 |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告的特性、类别、影响和作用 |
| |(2)了解广告学与其他学科的关系 |
| |(二)广告组织与运营 学时:2 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告组织的演变 |
| |(2)认知各种广告组织的特性 |
| |(3)了解广告交易制度与费用 |
| |(三)广告机会分析 学时:4 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)掌握广告环境、消费者行为、产品与品牌的分析方法 |
| |(2)了解整合营销传播的概念与特性 |
| |(四)广告计划 学时:4 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告计划的含义及特性 |
| |(2)认知广告计划的内容、广告预算的编制 |
| |(3)掌握计划书的撰写、广告调查的方法 |
| |(五)广告表现战略 学时:4 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告表现的内涵 |
| |(2)认知广告创意的概念和基本方法 |
| |(3)掌握广告定位的概念和基本方法 |
| |(六)广告文案 学时:4 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)掌握广告文案的基本概念 |
| |(2)了解广告标题、广告正文、广告口号 |
| |(3)掌握广播电视广告词的写作方法 |
| |(七)广告媒体的运用 学时:4 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告媒体的类别和特点 |
| |(2)掌握媒体计划的写作方法 |
| |(3)掌握媒体组合策略和广告日程的安排策略 |
| |(八)广告受众 学时:2 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告受众与受众的特性 |
| |(2)了解广告受众与信息传播的关系 |
| |(3)掌握广告受众的心理特征 |
| |(九)广告效果的测定 学时:2 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告效果的含义及特性 |
| |(2)掌握广告传播效果、销售效果和社会效果的测定方法 |
| |(十)广告管理 学时:2 |
| |教学内容和要求: |
| |(1)了解广告管理的含义与特性 |
| |(2)掌握广告管理的内容和方法 |
| |(3)了解广告准则和广告审查及国外广告管理的概况 |
|实验教学(包括|无 |
|上机学时、实验| |
|学时、实践学时| |
|) | |
|教学方法 |课程教学以课堂教学、课外作业、综合讨论、网络以及授课教师 |
| |的科研项目与积累等共同实施。 |
|考核方式 |本课程注重过程考核,成绩比例为: |
| |平时作业和课堂表现:30% |
| |期末考试(闭卷):70% |
|教材及参考书 |现用教材: |
| |倪宁编著的《广告学教程》, 中国人民大学出版社 2014年版 |
| |主要参考资料: |
| |[1] 《当代广告学》 威廉 阿伦斯著,丁俊杰等译 人民邮电出版 |
| |社 2013年版 |
| |[2] 《一个广告人的自白》奥格威著,林桦译 中信出版社 |
| |2010年版 |
|制定人及制定间|戴世富,2017年3月25日 |
“Principles of advertising ”Syllabus
|Course Code |171006 |
|Course Title |Principles of advertising |
|Course Category |Disciplinary Basic Course |
|Course Nature |Compulsory Course |
|Class Hours |All Class Hours:48 Computer Lab:0 Experiment:0 |
| |Practice:0 |
|Credits |Three |
|Semester |The Second Semester |
|Institute |School of Journalism and Communication |
|Program Oriented|Journalism, Communication, advertisement |
|Teaching |Chinese |
|Language | |
|Prerequisites |Principles of Communication |
|Student Outcomes|Target 1: |
|(Special |(consolidate the basis of the special field) With brand|
|Training |communication theories as the core, cultivating |
|Ability) |students with basic professional theories, methods and |
| |approaches. |
| |Target 2: (good technical abilities in the special |
| |field teaching students basic vocational skills |
| |Target 3:(the well-understanding and practice of |
| |knowledge) train students' ability to combine theory |
| |with reality, finally achieving a real understanding |
| |and mastering of knowledge in real practice. |
| |Target 4:( contain both spirit of innovation and |
| |enterprise competence ) advertising is an applied |
| |science |
| |Target 5: (global vision) with a macroscopic strategic |
| |vision and international vision, which can help to meet|
| |the international industry standards. |
|Teaching |After completion of the course, students will have the |
|Objectives |following abilities: |
| |(1) master the basic principles and knowledge of |
| |advertising, and cultivate students' ability to |
| |discover and solve problems. |
| |(2) master the basic knowledge of advertising operation|
| |and advertising planning creativity, students have the |
| |preliminary ability to create. |
| |(3) master the basic methods of advertising creative |
| |planning, and have the preliminary ability to write an|
| |advertising planning, train students' practical |
| |ability. |
|Course |The characteristics of this course : 1.Extensive |
|Description |content make students have a general understanding of |
| |advertising, and will explain and analyze all aspects |
| |in detail(such as advertising, advertising Copy |
| |writing, advertising media research, advertising effect|
| |evaluation, advertisement design, advertisement |
| |management etc.) in the future professional courses. |
| |Therefore, a large amount of information is needed to |
| |supplement the course content. 2. advertising is a |
| |subject that combines with the times closely, and it |
| |uses the real life and realistic case for reference to |
| |explain, so it requires to update the content in real |
| |time to meet the curriculum of the students and |
| |curriculum. 3. advertising is a very practical science,|
| |with strong practical ability, so in the teaching |
| |process, students need to learn the knowledge about |
| |professional production, at the same time, students |
| |should go into the market in person to carry out a real|
| |or simulated advertising operation in order to better |
| |apply their knowledge. |
|Teaching Content|1.advertising overview Credits:4 |
|and Class Hours |Teaching contents and requirements: |
|Distribution |(1) understand the characteristics, categories, effects|
| |and functions of advertising |
| |(2) understanding the relationship between advertising |
| |and other disciplines |
| | |
| |2.advertising organization and operation Credits:2 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understanding the evolution of advertising |
| |organizations |
| |(2) recognize the characteristics of various |
| |advertising organizations |
| |(3) understand the advertising trading system and the |
| |cost of advertising |
| | |
| |3.advertising opportunity analysis Credits:4 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) master the analysis methods of advertising |
| |environment, consumer behavior, product and brand |
| |(2) understand the concept and characteristics of |
| |integrated marketing communications |
| | |
| |4.advertising planning Credits:4 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understand the meaning and characteristics of the |
| |advertising planning |
| |(2) know the content of the advertising planning and |
| |the preparation of advertising budget |
| |(3) master the writing of advertising plan and the |
| |methods of advertising investigation |
| | |
| |5.advertising performance strategy Credits:4 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understand the connotation of advertising |
| |performance |
| |(2)know the concept and basic methods of advertising |
| |creative |
| |(3) master the concept and basic methods of advertising|
| |positioning |
| | |
| |6.advertising copy Credits:4 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) master the basic concept of advertising copy |
| |(2) understand the advertising headlines, advertising |
| |text, advertising slogan |
| |(3) master the methods of writing radio and TV |
| |advertising words |
| | |
| |7.the use of advertising media Credits:4 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understanding the types and characteristics of |
| |advertising media |
| |(2) master the writing methods of media planning |
| |(3) master the strategy of media mix strategy and |
| |advertising schedule |
| | |
| |7.advertising audience Credits:2 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |understand the audience and the characteristics of the |
| |audience |
| |understand the relationship between the audience and |
| |the communication |
| |(3) master the psychological characteristics of the |
| |audience |
| | |
| |8.the measurement of advertising effectiveness |
| |Credits:2 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understand the meaning and characteristics of |
| |advertising effectiveness |
| |(2) master the methods of measuring the effect of |
| |advertising communication effect, sales effect and |
| |social effect. |
| | |
| |9.advertising management Credits:2 |
| |Teaching contents and requirements: |
| |(1) understand the meaning and characteristics of |
| |advertising management |
| |(2) master the contents and methods of advertising |
| |management |
| |(3) understanding advertising standards, advertising |
| |review and overview of foreign advertising management |
|Experimental |None |
|Teaching | |
|Teaching Method |The curriculum teaching is carried out in the following|
| |aspects: classroom teaching, homework, comprehensive |
| |discussion, network and the research project of |
| |teachers. |
|Examination |This course focuses on process assessment: |
|Method |Homework and classroom performance: 30% |
| |Final exam (close-book examination): 70% |
|Teaching |Text Book: The course of advertising Authored by Ni |
|Materials and |Ning, Renmin University of China press, 2014 |
|Reference Books |Main reference: |
| |[1] "contemporary advertising" , Authored by William |
| |Arens, translated by Ding Junjie et. People's Posts and|
| |Telecommunications Press, 2013 |
| |[2]"Confessions of an advertising man, Authored by |
| |Ogilvy, translated by Lin Hua,CITIC publishing house, |
| |2010 |
|Prepared by Whom|Dai Shifu, March 25,2017 |
|and When | |
广告原理与实务(培训课程规划4天) 04.26
- [潘文富] 经销商终端建设的基本推进
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- [潘文富] 经销商的产品驱动与管理驱
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- [王晓楠] 什么是备案制教师?备案制教
- [王晓楠] 2024年陕西省及西安市最
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 21171
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt) 20256
- 3行政专员岗位职责 19064
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16236
- 5员工守则 15472
- 6软件验收报告 15411
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 15125
- 8工资发放明细表 14565
- 9文件签收单 14215