【英文课纲】50-Six-sigma GB Training(6days) Course Outline_En_Rev_20210721
【英文课纲】50-Six-sigma GB Training(6days) Course Outline_En_Rev_20210721详细内容
【英文课纲】50-Six-sigma GB Training(6days) Course Outline_En_Rev_20210721
Six Sigma DMAIC GB Training
(Green Belt)
Workshop (6 Days)
What is Six Sigma?
1. Sigma (the Greek character “σ”) is an indicator for process deviation
2. Sigma-Level is a key indicator for process capability
3. Six Sigma means a defined level of process quality; finally nearly a
zero-defect process (3,4 ppm) [defects per 1 million]
4. Six Sigma is a standardized procedure for problem solving and
breakthrough improvements
5. Six Sigma is a Quality Philosophy which redefines the zero-defect
There are many descriptions of Six-Sigma, ranging from a quality level of
3.4 rejects per million, quality tool, to it being a life changing
Where does Six-Sigma come from?
– 1987:Primarily conception of Six-Sigma at Motorola
– Six Sigma Quality Management System
– till 1992 480 Mio. US$ savings at a turnover of 9,2 Billion US$
– 1995: revision and extension of the concept by General Electric (CEO
Jack Welsh)
– 2010: 40 Six-Sigma companies are within the Top100 of the Fortune 500
List (Fortune List 2010)
– 2018: about 60% of all automotive companies in North America &
Germany are currently using Six-Sigma as a highly efficient method for
quality improvement.
Why Six Sigma is the Goal?
Training Agenda:
Customer Feedback:
• “This training is pretty practical with numerous cases and exercises,
and after training, Julio Liu gives us many six-sigma project Minitab
data worksheets to support the training tools applications, it’s really
• “We've learned six sigma before, but I think it's too difficult,
especially the statistical probability, but Mr. Liu's speech is easy to
understand and easy to operate……”
• “It’s good deal! I have been planning to learn TRIZ long time ago, but
the price is high. Now I not only learn the TRIZ, but also integration
of TRIZ and DOE…so many excellent Six-sigma core tools. It helps a lot
for quality continues improvement…"
• “My comment is simple, if I could attend this training earlier, I can
save a lot of money and time for test. I used to make 27 round tests to
get the best parameter combination, now with Taguchi DOE in Six-sigma,
only need 9 rounds. This reduces the design lead time and cost
• “It’s very practical! it’s exactly what we need in cost saving ! "
Course Methodology
• Breakout Exercises
– The exercises will be conducted during each training stage to practice
Six-sigma core tools such as MSA,SPC,DOE,TRIZ,ANOVA…etc. and also to
evaluate the understanding of the training courses.
– The purpose of breakout exercises is to develop skills of Six-sigma
application by having individuals or teams working on practical situations
• Evaluation of Individual Participation
– Attendees will be evaluated on class participation, which encompasses
the following aspects:
• Asking meaningful questions in class
• Sharing professional experiences
• Taking an active role in team exercises
– Effective class participation provides the attendee with opportunities
to demonstrate practical understanding of Six-sigma
• Certificate
– Certificate will be issued after satisfied participating, training
performance evaluation.
The course has been trained for the following well-known enterprises and
has been highly recognized:
课程WORKSHOP背景: 2天课程,以全新角度讲授:TRIZ核心工具方法包括S进化曲线的现实意义,技术矛盾与物理矛盾的区分与关联及其对应的TRIZ创新解决方法,矛盾矩阵表与分离法则,39个工程参数与40条创新法则等通过众多的案例小组实操练习完美应用到实际问题解决中去,帮助学员快速掌握创新方法和技巧,激发个人创新潜能,提升创造性问题解决能力。同时还会讲授与T
研发质量功能展开(QFD)高级应用QualityFunctionDeployment(QFD)AdvancedApplicationforRD(2天课程WORKSHOP)[pic]课程WORKSHOP背景: 2天课程 本课程以全新角度探讨产品设计过程中如何应用QFD透彻理解并转换顾客需求/要求变成产品设计指标,并分解落实到详细零部件结合到产品设计之中;全
六西格玛(DMAIC)管理层培训SixSigma(DMAIC)ExecutiveTraining(2天)课程WORKSHOP特色[pic]课程WORKSHOP背景: 为什么要六西格玛导入Workshop:帮助企业从上到下(TOP-DOWN)理解和掌握六西格玛的核心内容以及如何在企业中实施创造最大价值,理解实施六西格玛突破性策略的方法和过程以及企业实施六西
研发DFSS创新稳健设计高级应用DesignforSixSigmaforRD(10天课程)[pic]课程WORKSHOP背景: DFSS-DesignforSixSigma(六西格玛设计)-是目前世界上许多跨国公司研发中心在进行工业产品设计时广泛应用的一套先进研发质量工具和方法。这门课程是根据国外顶尖研发中心设计工程师在进行工业产品研发设计时成功应用DF
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