

























1. 塑造学习场域:破冰互动See &Ask

2. 安排说明竞赛规则、时间安排

3. 如何学习:如何学习效果最好

4. 不懂得正确的向上管理,难有长远发展


1. 我的上级人物画像(练习)

2. 王老师的向上管理实践(最佳实践)

3. 常见领导的四种类型

4. 我的领导人物画像进阶工具(练习)


1. 你干的很辛苦,可得不到上级认可

2. 上级关心那些事?

3. 信任方程式

4. 你的职场信任银行储备怎么样?

5. 为什么有些人要预算(支持)更容易?聚焦至关重要目标,用成绩建立信任(练习)


1. 面对重要任务如何做才能成功?

(1) 做好上级和其他利益相关人共识(练习)

(2) 如何最好上级任务的规划(练习)

2. 汇报途径是上下级最好的信任纽带

(1) 和四种不同类型上级汇报的要点

(2) 如何让上级心平气和的听你汇报

(3) 日常工作中汇报的目的与准备

(4) 汇报中最忌讳的四个不

(5) 工作立项、节点汇报怎么做更好?

(6) 电子化汇报怎么做更有效?


1. 反向领导力,背上的猴子

2. 员工通常由三种类型,你是哪种?

3. 成为关键员工的三个榜样

4. 规划自己的提升方向(练习)


1. 自我认知与觉察:模拟活动

2. 研讨:跨部门沟通协作的障碍与意义

3. 你知道沟通协作的三大障碍类型么?(认知-任务-关系)

4. 要清楚沟通协作障碍五种程度(不同-误解-分歧-不和-对立)


1. 懂得人与人之间的合作心态(6种合作心态)

2. 成事要具备双嬴的大局观

3. 学会觉察他人的“嬴"和自己的“嬴”

4. 练习:掌握建立共嬴共识(练习)


1. 我的客户是谁?

2. 理清事,RACI矩阵梳理工作流(练习)

3. 找对人,协同工作中的主要利益相关人(练习)

4. 策划好,协同工作梳理与风险评估应对(练习)

5. 跨部门沟通与协作计划表-1


1. 没有信任的合作不会成功

(1) 信任的速度价值

(2) 掌握信任方程式

2. 调适人际风格

(1) 了解协作沟通中的四种行为风格

(2) 通过倾听理解对方(含演练)

(3) 以对方能接受的方式传递信息(含演练)

3. 提高情商

(1) 避免协作中的情绪陷阱(练习)

(2) TFA练习(工具练习)

(3) 跨部门沟通与协作计划表-4









迪思中国 金牌讲师

  • Franklin Covey、DDI、Ken Blanchard 认证领导力讲师

  • 美国 COD 组织发展(OD)专业咨询师

  • ICF Six Seconds 、埃里克森认证职业教练

  • DDI 认证 FCP 国际专业讲师

  • 国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)敏捷绩效提升工作坊专家

  • AMA 行动学习授证引导师、引导师

  • Everything DISC®国际认证顾问


    曾任多家全球知名企业(京东、新奥能源、360、蓝色光标、Asurion)企业大学校长、人才发展与企业文化总监、咨询顾问。中欧(中欧商学院)在线、培训杂志、淘宝大学、前程无忧特约资深讲师;中国企业人才发展智库特聘专家、 HRoot特聘企业人才发展专家。香港大学教育专业硕士,拥有人力资源、业务管理及培训经验近 18年;在战略落地执行、企业文化落地、敏捷绩效提升、领导力领域有深入研究。主导项目获得行业最权威论坛 12 项大奖。






Achieving teamwork

-From Upward Synergy to Horizontal Collaboration, Holding the Key to Win-Win in Your Organization



According to a survey by Gallup, the world's leading measurement organization, 75% of employees leave their jobs because they are unable to get along with their supervisors and establish trustworthy collaboration. Relationships between supervisors and subordinates have become an important factor in team performance, organizational stability, and core competitiveness.

In the workplace, not many people take the initiative and skill to fully interpret the boss, which is extremely dangerous. As Drucker said: "The workplace people who do not read and understand the supervisor is like a bird flying blindfolded, breaking and entering, engaging in no future to speak of". Therefore, in order to have a better career development, upward management is a mandatory course for every subordinate.

 Applicable objects 

Grassroots, middle management cadres


  • Enhance the ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and gain a deep understanding of their needs and expectations

  • Know how to project, evaluate and plan for important tasks assigned by supervisors.

  • Master the key points of work reporting with superiors, know how to be a capable and trustworthy subordinate and be known and recognized by superiors.

  • Correctly recognize horizontal synergy and master the basic skills of communication and collaboration.

  • Learning to take on collaborative work by identifying the necessary keys in people and events and planning for collaboration.

  • Understand the different interpersonal styles in communication, know your own style, and master how to judge, how to build on your strengths and avoid your weaknesses and communicate smoothly with the other party.

  • Become a trusted colleague by mastering the three cornerstones of building win-win relationships in synergy: trust, style, and emotion


    Import module

  1. Shaping the Learning Field: See & Ask Icebreaker Interaction

  2. Organization note: competition rules, schedule

  3. How to study:How to study best

  4. Without proper upward management, it's hard to have long-term development

     Collaboration starts with knowing your superiors

  5. Portrait of my superiors (exercise)

  6. Mr. Wang's Upward Management Practices (Best Practices)

  7. Four Types of Common Leaders

  8. My Leadership Portrait Advancement Tool (exercise)

     Understand the expectations and become a credible subordinate

  9. You work hard, but you don't get recognized by your superiors.

  10. What are the superiors concerned about?

  11. trust equation

  12. How's your workplace trust bank reserve?

  13. Why is it easier for some people to budget (support)? Focusing on vital goals and building trust with accomplishments (exercise)

     Mission-based, communication-enabled, achievement-creating

  14. What can I do to succeed when faced with an important task?

  15. Doing a good job of consensus of superiors and other stakeholders (exercise)

  16. How best to plan for superior tasks (exercise)

  17. The reporting path is the best bond of trust between top and bottom levels

  18. Key points for debriefing with four different types of superiors

  19. How to get your superiors to listen to you in a calm manner

  20. Purpose and preparation for debriefing in daily work

  21. The four most taboo no's in debriefing

  22. What can be done better to establish work and node reporting?

  23. How can electronic reporting be more effective?

     Develop yourself to be a resilient and problem solving person

  24. Reverse Leadership, Monkey on the Back

  25. Employees are usually made up of three types, which one are you?

  26. Three Role Models for Becoming a Key Employee

  27. Planning your own advancement (exercise)

     Barriers and implications of communication, collaboration

  28. Self-knowledge and awareness: a simulation activity

  29. Seminar: Barriers and Implications of Cross-Departmental Communication and Collaboration

  30. Do you know the three main types of barriers to communication and collaboration? (cognitive-task-relational)

  31. Be clear about the five levels of communication and collaboration barriers (difference - misunderstanding - disagreement - discord - antagonism)

     Addressing Barriers to Collaboration Thinking Cognitive Barriers - Win-Win      Relationships

  32. Understanding the cooperative mindset between people (6 cooperative mindsets)

  33. You need to have a big picture view to make things happen.

  34. Learning to recognize others' "wins" and one's "wins"

  35. Exercise: Mastering Consensus Building (Exercise)

     Breaking through barriers to collaboration - task barriers

  36. Who are my clients?

  37. Sorting Things Out, RACI Matrix Sorting Workflows (Exercise)

  38. Finding the right people, key stakeholders in collaborative work (exercise)

  39. Well planned, collaborative work grooming and risk assessment response (exercise)

  40. Cross-sectoral Communication and Collaboration Schedule-1

     Breaking through barriers to collaboration-relational barriers (trust, interpersonal styles, emotions)

  41. Cooperation without trust will not succeed

  42. The Speed Value of Trust

  43. Mastering the Trust Equation

  44. Adaptation of interpersonal styles

  45. Understanding the four behavioral styles in collaborative communication

  46. Understanding each other through listening (with exercises)

  47. Deliver the message in a way that is acceptable to the other party (with drills)

  48. improve emotional quotient (EQ)

  49. Avoiding Emotional Pitfalls in Collaboration (Exercise)

  50. TFA Exercise (Tools Exercise)

  51. Cross-sectoral Communication and Collaboration Schedule - 4



    Single person: RMB 4,680 RMB / person

    Member price: 4,380 RMB / person

    Enterprise group quotation: 18,990 RMB / 6 persons



    Wang Lei

    Eddic China Gold Lecturer

  • Franklin Covey, DDI, Ken Blanchard Certified Leadership Instructor

  • COD Organizational Development (OD) Professional Consultant, United States of America

  • ICF Six Seconds, Erickson Certified Professional Coach

  • DDI Certified FCP International Professional Instructor

  • International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Agile Performance Improvement Workshop Specialist

  • AMA Action Learning Accredited Facilitator, Facilitator

  • Everything DISC® International Certified Consultant

    Area of Expertise

    He has been the president of corporate university, director of talent development and corporate culture, and consultant of many global famous enterprises (Jingdong, Xin'ao Energy, 360, Blue Cursor, Asurion). He is a senior lecturer invited by CEIBS Online, Training Magazine, Taobao University, and MileagePlus; a special expert of China Enterprise Talent Development Think Tank, and a special expert of HRoot on enterprise talent development. With a master's degree in education from the University of Hong Kong, he has nearly 18 years of experience in human resources, business management and training, and has conducted in-depth research in the fields of strategy implementation, corporate culture implementation, agile performance enhancement, and leadership. Leading projects have won 12 awards from the most authoritative forums in the industry.


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课程费用:4980元/人 (含培训费、教材费、场地费、午餐、茶歇费及税金)参训对象:企业中高层管理者、职能部门和业务部门负责人、项目负责人、关键和储备人才等。课程地点:上海课程时间:2天第一期第二期第三期2月13-14日6月12-13日10月31-11月1日课程背景:在当今快速变化的商业环境中,企业战略的制定与执行成为决定其成败的关键因素。然而,许多企业面临...


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PMP项目管理国际认证培训方式标准录播课+直播冲刺课培训时长52课时(随报随学)发证单位:美国项目管理协会(PMI)课程信息培训形式标准录播课+ 直播冲刺课课程时长52课时(录播28课时,直播2H12晚)直播时间1月14日--17日(4晚)2月13日--14日、18--20日、25日--27日(8晚)增值服务提供视频回放免费学习一年学习平台PC端:https...




ISO45001:2018职业健康安全管理体系理解、实施及内审技巧培训【1天版】课程时间2025年2月14日 1天(9:00-16:00;6H/天)培训费用1200元/人(含教材和证书);线上线下同步。开课地点:苏州课程背景 l对于职业健康安全管理人员来说:如何建立起系统的安全管理体系,尽可能的降低风险,将事故拒之门外?如何做好现场岗位安全管理?如何拓展员工...


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PMP项目管理国际认证培训方式标准录播课+直播冲刺课培训时长52课时(随报随学)发证单位:美国项目管理协会(PMI)课程信息培训形式标准录播课+ 直播冲刺课课程时长52课时(录播28课时,直播2H12晚)直播时间1月14日--17日(4晚)2月13日--14日、18--20日、25日--27日(8晚)增值服务提供视频回放免费学习一年学习平台PC端:https...


培训时间/地点:2025年2月1820日(星期二 星期四)/上 海2025年5月78日(星期三 星期四)/嘉 兴2025年7月1517日(星期二 星期四)/苏州2025年10月2830日(星期二 星期四)/上 海收费标准:¥4500/人Ø含授课费、证书费、资料费、午餐费、茶点费、会务费、税费Ø不包含学员往返培训场地的交通费用、住宿费用、早餐及晚餐课程特点:紧...
