









北京12月19-20 上海12月26-27 深圳1月13-14


由美国著名咨询公司Table Group开发,是组织健康体系的核心模型,现今已被多种团队教练体系采用。为了在恒定并不断发展的团队基础上实现团队协作,以达到一个设定的目标或结果,就必须克服在团队中普遍存在的五种协作障碍。很多管理上的表象问题也是源于这五项障碍或多或少的存在!


  • CEO、事业部领导者、项目及团队负责人、人力资源总监及经理、内部培训师



  • 团队协作五种障碍引发的问题

  1. 落败 :落败给竞争对手,流失以目标为导向的人才

  2. 工作延期:责任不清,相互推脱,影响进度

  3. 工作混乱:工作方向与内容不明确

  4. 错失良机:因过分讨论,错失决策良机

  5. 避重就轻:害怕冲突,回避讨论争议性话题

  6. 消耗精力:花费过多时间处理人际关系

  7. 缺乏帮助:团队缺乏相互帮助,只关注个人工作

  8. 相互隐瞒:在团队成员前隐藏个人缺失、缺点


  • 克服团队协作五种障碍的好处

  1. 优势:能相互学习,并高效地达成团队预期目标

  2. 相互负责:团队成员彼此提醒,与领导共同承担责任

  3. 真心承诺:目标清晰,认真承诺,重视团队决定

  4. 即时决策:快速应对变化,尽可能获得最优解决方案

  5. 掌握冲突:成员能就重要议题进行讨论,充分发表看法

  6. 愿意奉献:所有成员愿意为组织目标共同努力

  7. 相互信任:成员在情感上相信对方,愿意彼此协助

  8. 坦诚相待:勇于承认过失与缺点



  9. 如何开展团队成员共同参与的团队协作评测

  10. 评测及工具使用

  11. 团队协作现状分析

  12. 认知五种障碍模型

  13. 建立信任

  • 信任是团队协作的基础,在一个团队中,信任是脆弱的

  • 建立信任一定是需要花时间的,但建立信任的过程可以被极大加速

  • 就像是保持良好的关系一样,信任需要不断地花时间进行维护  

  1. 掌控冲突

  • 良性的冲突是毫无保留地、有建设性地围绕争议点进行的辩论

  • 即使在最好的团队中,冲突都会让大家感到不舒服

  • 偶尔的个人间冲突,不会妨碍团队有建设性意义的辩论  

  • 核心概念:良性冲突点、冲突模型

  • 主要练习:影响冲突风格的因素、行为描述分析、冲突契约

  1. 做出承诺

  • 团队成员需要反复思量这些决定,直到团队每一个人全部弄清楚为止

  • 团队还需要确定就以上做出的哪些决定,与组织中的其它部门沟通

  • 核心概念:团队承诺、主题目标

  • 核心练习:议事规则、主题目标

  1. 共担责任

  • 在一个健康的团队中,责任要求对每个成员都是同等的

  • 核心概念:共担责任

  • 核心练习:团队有效性练习TEE

  1. 关注结果

  • 卓越的团队是实现了他们预先设定结果的团队

  • 核心概念:团队结果、第一团队原则

  • 核心练习:团队记分板

  1. 总结及行动承诺







迪思中国 金牌讲师


  • 企业文化设计首批认证导师

  • 国际大成教练(The Meta-Coach System®)

  • 国际身心语义学会(ISNS)发证导师

  • 世纪畅优(电子工业出版社)特聘“组织健康”项目专家

  • 《克服团队协作五项障碍》®最早认证导师之一,及多项国际版权课程认证导师

  • 组织健康书籍《动机》、《CEO四大迷思》译者








Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Developed by the renowned American consulting firm Table Group, this is the core model of the Organizational Health System and has been adopted by various team coaching systems. To achieve team collaboration on a consistent and continuously developing team foundation, to reach a set goal or result, it is essential to overcome the five common collaborative dysfunctions that exist in teams. Many apparent management issues also stem from the presence of these five dysfunctions to varying degrees!



Applicable objects
CEOs, Division Leaders, Project and Team Leaders, HR Directors and Managers, Internal Trainers


Problems Caused by the Five Dysfunctions of Team Collaboration:

  • Defeat: Losing to competitors, losing goal-oriented talent

  • Work Delays: Unclear responsibilities, mutual shirking, affecting progress

  • Work Chaos: Unclear direction and content of work

  • Missed Opportunities: Over-discussion leading to missed decision-making opportunities

  • Avoiding Important Issues: Fear of conflict, avoiding discussion of contentious topics

  • Energy Drain: Spending too much time on interpersonal relationships

  • Lack of Support: Lack of mutual support within the team, focusing only on individual work

  • Hiding Flaws: Concealing personal deficiencies and weaknesses in front of team members

    Benefits of Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of Team Collaboration:

  • Advantages: Mutual learning and efficient achievement of team goals

  • Mutual Accountability: Team members remind each other and share responsibility with leaders

  • Genuine Commitment: Clear goals, serious commitment, and valuing team decisions

  • Timely Decision-Making: Quick response to changes, obtaining optimal solutions

  • Conflict Management: Members can discuss important issues and fully express their views

  • Willingness to Contribute: All members are willing to work together for organizational goals

  • Mutual Trust: Emotional trust in each other, willingness to assist one another

  • Openness and Honesty: Courage to admit mistakes and weaknesses


     How to Conduct a Team Collaboration Assessment with Participation from All Team Members

  1. Assessment and Tool Usage

  2. Analysis of Current Team Collaboration Status

    Understanding the Five Dysfunction Models

  3. Building Trust

  4. Trust is the foundation of team collaboration, and in a team, trust is fragile.

  5. Building trust takes time, but the process can be greatly accelerated.

  6. Like maintaining a good relationship, trust needs continuous effort to maintain.

  7. Mastering Conflict

  8. Constructive conflict involves open and constructive debate around points of contention.

  9. Even in the best teams, conflict can make everyone feel uncomfortable.

  10. Occasional personal conflicts do not hinder the team's constructive debates.

  11. Core Concepts: Constructive Conflict Points, Conflict Model

  12. Main Exercises: Factors Affecting Conflict Styles, Behavioral Description Analysis, Conflict Contract

  13. Making Commitments

  14. Team members need to thoroughly consider these decisions until every member fully understands them.

  15. The team also needs to determine which of these decisions should be communicated to other departments in the organization.

  16. Core Concepts: Team Commitment, Thematic Goals

  17. Core Exercises: Rules of Engagement, Thematic Goals

  18. Sharing Responsibility

  19. In a healthy team, accountability is equally required of each member.

  20. Core Concept: Shared Responsibility

  21. Core Exercise: Team Effectiveness Exercise (TEE)

  22. Focusing on Results

  23. An excellent team is one that achieves its pre-set results.

  24. Core Concepts: Team Results, First Team Principle

  25. Core Exercise: Team Scoreboard

  26. Summary and Action Commitments


    Original price: 6800 RMB/person




    Peng Shujun

    Chief Lecturer

  • Organizational Health Consultant/Practitioner

  • One of the first certified trainers in Corporate Culture Design

  • International Meta-Coach (The Meta-Coach System®)

  • Certified Trainer by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS)

  • Special Consultant for the "Organizational Health" project at Century Changyou (Electronic Industry Press)

  • One of the earliest certified trainers for "Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team"® and multiple international copyrighted courses

  • Translator of organizational health books "Motivation" and "Four Myths of CEOs"

    Area of Expertise

    Peng Shujun has extensive experience in team and business management. Combining past experiences with organizational health theory, through practice and summary, he presents projects in a simple and practical manner, achieving significant results. His teaching is rigorous, and as a senior coach, he excels in combining different techniques. He believes that the ultimate goal of workshops is not just about "knowing" but more about "doing." Not only does he deliver strategic outcomes, but he also equips participants with practical skills to lead their teams. Currently, he focuses on providing targeted workshops and consulting services using Organizational Health + Meta-Coaching.


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课程费用:4980元/人 (含培训费、教材费、场地费、午餐、茶歇费及税金)参训对象:企业中高层管理者、职能部门和业务部门负责人、项目负责人、关键和储备人才等。课程地点:上海课程时间:2天第一期第二期第三期2月13-14日6月12-13日10月31-11月1日课程背景:在当今快速变化的商业环境中,企业战略的制定与执行成为决定其成败的关键因素。然而,许多企业面临...


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