产品稳健设计高级应用 (QFD,TRIZ和田口DOE参数设计集成) Robust Design Advanced Application for RD (QFD,TRIZ, Taguchi DOE Integration) [pic]课程WORKSHOP背景: 这门课程引进国外顶尖研发中心工程师在进行工业产品研发设计时广泛应用的一套稳健设计方法,并结合国内工程
Course Background: 2days workshop with a new perspective to teach:TRIZ core tools and methods include the practical significance of sevolution curve, the distinction and correlation between technicalcontradiction and physical contradiction, and the corresponding TRIZinnovative solutions, contradicti
AIAGVDA新版DFMEA高级应用 (Advanced AIAGVDA DFMEA Application for RD) 2 天课程 基于AIAGVDA新版FMEA [pic]培训目的: 1. 全面掌握AIAG VDA最新FMEA要求及更新
AIAGVDA PFMEA高级应用 (Advanced AIAGVDA PFMEA Application) 2 天Worshop 基于客户实际产品制造工艺的定制课程 [pic]培训目的: 1. 根据AIAG VDA最新发布的FMEA(新版)要求,结合丰富的实际应用(学员实际负责的生产工艺流 程)案例,针对性极强地讲解PFMEA内容、要求、内部逻辑、实施步骤和方法;2. 包括PFMEA表格及内部逻
Training purpose:1 According to the latest FMEA requirements issued by AIAGVDA, combinedwith rich practical application cases (production process actually in thecharge of trainees), explain the content, requirements, internal logic,implementation steps and methods of FMEA.2 It includes AIAGVDA